Do you work with other SME’s to develop or renew products, production processes or services? You can apply for an R&D collaboration project. In this way, the government stimulates innovation.

An SME entrepreneur can apply for an R&D collaboration project on behalf of a partnership. An R&D collaboration project focuses on the development or innovation of products, production processes or services. The project consists of industrial research and / or experimental development, carried out by a partnership of at least 2 SME entrepreneurs (each for their own account and risk). The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) processes Research & Development (R&D) applications according to the tender principle. This means that RVO assesses and ranks all complete applications that have been received on time.

Subsidy for R&D cooperation projects is one of the possibilities within the SME innovation promotion Region and Top Sectors (MIT).


R&D collaboration (small and large in total): € 8.105 million *
R&D collaboration (large): maximum of € 4.0525 million

* – of which at least € 1,000,000 for MIT-R&D cooperation projects, whose activities fit within the subtheme sustainable animal products
– of which up to € 4,052,500 (50% of the total budget of 8,105 million) for large MIT-R&D collaboration projects


The conditions for R&D cooperation small and large differ. Below you can read how.
The following applies to R&D cooperation (small):

  • The subsidy amounts to 35% of the eligible costs.
  • The subsidy is a minimum of € 50,000 and a maximum of € 200,000 per innovation project, of which a minimum of € 25,000 and a maximum of € 100,000 per participant.
  • The participants in the MIT-R&D partnership form a balanced partnership.
    • This applies to both the distribution of costs and the contribution of the participants.
    • One participant may not account for more than 70% of the costs.
  • Only the costs incurred by the SME entrepreneurs are eligible.
  • The duration of an MIT-R&D collaboration project is a maximum of 2 years.

The following applies to R&D collaboration (large):

  • The subsidy amounts to 35% of the eligible costs.
  • The subsidy is a minimum of € 200,000 and a maximum of € 350,000 per innovation project, of which a minimum of € 25,000 and a maximum of € 175,000 per participant.
  • The participants in the MIT-R&D partnership form a balanced partnership.
    • This applies to both the distribution of costs and the contribution of the participants.
    • One participant may not account for more than 70% of the costs.
  • Only the costs incurred by the SME entrepreneurs are eligible.
  • The duration of an MIT-R&D collaboration project is a maximum of 2 years.

Sustainable Animal Products

In the Sustainable Animal Products program the task is to support livestock farmers in developing new technology for more sustainable animal products and / or for new or renewed market concepts with which they can create a revenue model for their more sustainable animal products. More sustainable animal products are animal products with lower emissions, which also contribute to better animal health, environmental quality, animal feed-manure cycle, more animal welfare or restoration of biodiversity. In addition, only projects that do not have a negative impact on animal health, environmental quality, animal feed-manure cycle, animal welfare and biodiversity are eligible.

Projects must contribute to:

  • better marketing of a more sustainable animal product;
  • improving a farmer’s earnings model.

Would you like to submit an application for an R&D collaboration project under this theme? Then choose the option ‘agri & food – sustainable animal products’ in the Loketwijzer.

Also read the news item on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV).


You can apply for a grant for MIT-R&D collaborative projects from June 11, 9:00 am to September 10, 2020, 5:00 pm at the latest.
Read more at the RVO Website about details regarding your application.

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