
Holland High Tech (TKI HTSM) helps high tech SMEs innovate within the knowledge and innovation agendas in the Mission-driven Top Sectors and Innovation Policy. The RVO scheme for SME innovation stimulation Region and Top Sectors (MIT) stimulates innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises. RVO offers various instruments for this, of which Holland High Tech facilitates two instruments for the high tech sector;

Network Activities (NA)
Innovation Broker (IM)

Both the NetworkActivities and innovation advisory services by InnovationMakelaars must fit into one of the roadmaps of the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda, or in the KIA ICT.

Network Activities Regulations (NA)

Network activities may consist of: master classes, workshops or conferences to promote knowledge sharing and networking between SME entrepreneurs. The Network Activity itself and the results (presentations, knowledge documents, insights) must be accessible to all SMEs. For Network Activities, TKI HTSM uses a required statement of approval from a roadmap leader.

InnovatieMakelaars Scheme (IM)

Through this scheme, TKI HTSM enables SMEs to make free use of innovation advisory services from InnovationMakelaars affiliated with TKI HTSM. The type of advice may include the following services: consulting and knowledge transfer assistance; acquisition, protection and exploitation of intangible assets; the use of standards and rules in which these are laid down.

The advice offered by TKI HTSM is aimed at innovation of products, processes or services; providing technological assistance or technology transfer services. A direct link to one SME is mandatory for this. These SMEs are referred to by name on settlement. Indirect advice is not permitted, such as co-writing innovation agendas, participation in symposia or advice to clients other than SMEs.


For more information about the services and procedure, please contact Petra Wicherink, MIT officer Holland High Tech, via You can also find more inforamtion about the Innovatie Makelaars on the overview page of TKI HTSM.

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