Qblox is an extremely fast growing company in the QuantumDelta ecosystem. Last Wednesday, COO Eric Kievit hosted MinacNed and High Tech NL members in Qblox’s brand new and impressive location.
Eric showed the importance of innovation ecosystems. Nico Hendricks, founder of QuTech’s most recent spin-off Groove, presented trends and needs in Quantum Computing, with specific attention to the importance of the supply chain. Marike Boertien gave a short update on the recent developments in the QuantumDelta program, where industrialisation is increasingly important. Urs Staufer gave his insights on the quantum related knowledge needed to participate in the quantum supply chain. Hint: in the QTIndu project, tailor made solutions for professionals in industrial settings are being developed and can be tested.
This was the first visit to one of five Quantum Delta hubs, tailored to the needs of high tech and/or supply chain partners. Are you curious and do you want to join next time? Do contact Marike Boertien.