To stay at the international top, it is essential for SMEs to keep innovating. Holland High Tech encourages SME entrepreneurs in the high-tech systems and materials sector to participate(r) in Research & Development in high-tech, materials, the urgent transitions and the development of key technologies. To further stimulate the involvement of SMEs in research and innovation projects, the SME High Tech call 2024 was created.

With this new call, Holland High Tech allows SMEs to determine the research direction. As an entrepreneur, you determine which industrial research supports your company’s wishes and needs for research and innovation. This takes the form of industrial research activities carried out jointly by an SME (or a consortium of SMEs) in collaboration with a research organisation. The SME itself receives a subsidy. Holland High Tech can offer support in finding suitable cooperation partners to form consortia between an SME and a research organisation.

The call focuses on the following innovation domains:

  • Optical systems and integrated photonics
  • Mechatronics and Opto mechatronics
  • Smart Industry
  • Quantum technologies
  • Energy materials
  • Systems engineering
  • Imaging technologies
  • Semiconductor technologies

Project proposals can be submitted from 16 December 2024 (12.00h) to 19 December 2024 (12.00h). The deadline for submitting a detailed project plan is no later than 27 February 2025.

More information about this call, the conditions, and the submission can be found on the website of Holland High Tech.  ,

KIEM HighTech aims to conduct practical research activities and explore new questions through collaboration between knowledge institutions and practice partners such as companies. This program aims to promote networking and explore practical questions that can lead to technological innovation or a follow-up project.

Regieorgaan SIA, in collaboration with Holland High Tech, funds this initiative to encourage technical innovation through cooperation between researchers, SMEs, and other practice partners. Deadline for second round is 21 May 2024.

To stimulate the development of a new generation of hightech equipment, 10.6 million euros is available for research. The future-proof hightech equipment is targeting sustainability, digitisation, healthcare and technology sovereignty of The Netherlands. This PPS-call is part of the NXTGEN Hightech programme, which is financed in the context of the National Growth Fund.

The “Horizon Europe” programme, which was launched this Tuesday, 2 February, has a budget of around €95 billion for research and innovation all over Europe from 2021-2027.

“Horizon Europe” is the ninth European framework programme for research and innovation, following on from the “Horizon 2020” programme (2014-2020), and will be the biggest programme ever undertaken in Europe. Its launch by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU is being promoted along with a mobilisation process for all of Europe, in conjunction with structural funds and, particularly, with the national recovery and resilience plans of each member state in preparation for the “Next Generation EU, 2021-26” programme.

The aim is for the European Union to lead the twin green and digital transition in association with a resilient recovery through a renewed European Research Area (ERA) and through an effective increase in public and private investment in R&D, particularly in the context of the recent reaffirmation by the European Commission of the goal of 3% of public and private investment in R&D in terms of gross domestic product by 2030.

“Horizon Europe” is thus based on three terms of reference:

  • 1. Scientific excellence: development of quality skills and expertise in order to reinforce the scientific leadership of the European Union, with the involvement of all the regions and all European citizens; creation of new markets, working conditions and skills, particularly in the sectors most severely affected by the negative impacts of the pandemic.
  • 2. Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness: natural resources, mobility, food, digital media and energy are just some of the areas that can count on additional support for research into the challenges they face, as well as for the associated industrial technology; it is in this area that partnerships are expected to be created with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
  • 3. Innovative and inclusive Europe: there will be stimuli for the creation of professional careers linked to research, both in the public and private sectors, making them more inclusive, particularly for women and minorities; it is also intended to foster research and recruitment ecosystems in order to train and retain talents in Europe. Other goals include cooperation between national funding agencies and the European Commission, while also contributing to promoting the creation of “European university” networks.

The “Horizon Europe” programme includes four implementation pillars:

Pillar 1: “Science of Excellence”, supporting scientific excellence in terms of human resources and infrastructure, particularly through the European Research Council (ERC), the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), as well as research infrastructures (ESFRI).

Pillar 2: “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness”, which will support research and development activities in six areas (or clusters): Health; Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; Civil Security for Society; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. Under the scope of these six areas, Pillar 2 also includes:

  • Research Missions, in five áreas:
  • Cancer;
  • Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation;
  • Climate-neutral and smart cities;
  • Soil health and food;
  • Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters.
  • Institutional Partnerships: aimed at mobilising public and private sectors in areas such as energy, transport, biodiversity, health, food and the circular economy.

Pillar 3: “Innovative Europe”, supporting the creation of new markets and SMEs, including new supports to be granted under the scope of the new European Innovation Council (EIC), the support for European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) and for the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The EIT legislation was recently revised, on 29 January, already during the Portuguese Presidency, in order to encompass more inclusive action open to all of Europe and two new areas of intervention, through Knowledge and Innovative Communities (KIC) (namely, oceans and creative industries, in addition to the initial areas of health, digital, energy, materials and climate).

Pillar 4: “Extending participation in and reinforcement of the European Research Area”, including support for the extension of participation in and the reinforcement of the European Research Area, through a set of different funding instruments aimed at establishing networks for human resources and at institutional level.

Implementation of “Horizon Europe”

The implementation of the “Horizon Europe” programme will be coordinated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), following on from the previous European research and innovation framework programmes. Further details at Horizon Europe | European Commission.

In the case of Portugal, the coordination and dissemination of the strategy for reinforcing national participation in the “Horizon Europe, 2021-27” programme is carried out through PERIN – “Portugal in Europe Research and Innovation Network”, which includes the main funding agencies and promoters, namely FCT, ANI, AICIB, PT Space, the ERASMUS Agency and DGES, working closely with the promotion offices for European programmes in academic and research institutes, as well as in companies, business associations and company incubation centres and interface institutions.

Portugal’s aim is to double national participation in the “Horizon Europe, 2021-27” programme compared to participation in the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) programme and attract around two billion euros for research and innovation activities on a competitive basis by the public and private sectors, including SMEs (in comparison to the approximately 1.1 billion attracted between 2014 and 2020 through supports granted by the H2020 programme, also in competitive terms).


On this page you will find briefly the most important information about this round. Always read the manual (call for proposals) before writing an application. Once the round is open, you will find all the necessary documents at the bottom of this page.

Assessment criteria

An application is assessed on 3 criteria:

  • Question articulation
    Is the research question demonstrably based on the question from professional practice?
  • Networking
    Does the consortium include the relevant parties to answer the research question and to ensure further dissemination of the research results, both in SMEs and in vocational trainin
  • Research plan
    Does the research build on state-of-the-art knowledge, do the research methods fit the research question, can the research be traced and is the project planning and organization realistic?
    In the assessment of an application, the research plan weighs in for 50%, demand articulation and network formation each for 25%.

Requirements for consortium partners

The research project is carried out by a consortium that, in addition to the university of applied sciences, consists of at least 6 SMEs, supplemented by a trade association or another organization that has the objective of stimulating innovation in SMEs. Of the required 6 SMEs, at least 5 must be established in the Netherlands.
The staff of a university of applied sciences do not maintain direct family ties with and / or have no business interests in the SMEs involved.
Self-employed persons can be part of the consortium instead of SMEs. A self-employed person must then be part of a collective that demonstrably focuses on innovation and / or economic growth.
The consortium partners, including the university college itself, contribute at least 50% of the total project costs. Co-financing can be in cash or in kind.
General subsidy conditions
As an applicant you are responsible for making agreements with the consortium partners about access to and rights to research results and, if applicable, about intellectual property. You must also make agreements about open access publications and data management and the ethical aspects of your research.

Start and implementation of the project

Has your application been granted? Then your project will start between September 2021 and January 2021. During the term of the project you are obliged to keep the SIA Regieorgaan informed of the progress of the project. And of any changes in the composition of the consortium or changes in the research compared to the original research plan. Read more about monitoring your project on our project management page.

Submit via ISAAC

You can only submit your application via ISAAC. ISAAC is NWO’s digital application and reporting system. In ISAAC you will always find the correct and most up-to-date forms for your application. The forms offered on this website are an example. See our page about ISAAC for practical information about the system.

Read more (in Dutch) about the RAAK MKB proposal submission here.