To stay at the international top, it is essential for SMEs to keep innovating. Holland High Tech encourages SME entrepreneurs in the high-tech systems and materials sector to participate(r) in Research & Development in high-tech, materials, the urgent transitions and the development of key technologies. To further stimulate the involvement of SMEs in research and innovation projects, the SME High Tech call 2024 was created.

With this new call, Holland High Tech allows SMEs to determine the research direction. As an entrepreneur, you determine which industrial research supports your company’s wishes and needs for research and innovation. This takes the form of industrial research activities carried out jointly by an SME (or a consortium of SMEs) in collaboration with a research organisation. The SME itself receives a subsidy. Holland High Tech can offer support in finding suitable cooperation partners to form consortia between an SME and a research organisation.

The call focuses on the following innovation domains:

  • Optical systems and integrated photonics
  • Mechatronics and Opto mechatronics
  • Smart Industry
  • Quantum technologies
  • Energy materials
  • Systems engineering
  • Imaging technologies
  • Semiconductor technologies

Project proposals can be submitted from 16 December 2024 (12.00h) to 19 December 2024 (12.00h). The deadline for submitting a detailed project plan is no later than 27 February 2025.

More information about this call, the conditions, and the submission can be found on the website of Holland High Tech.  ,

Qblox is an extremely fast growing company in the QuantumDelta ecosystem. Last Wednesday, COO Eric Kievit hosted MinacNed and High Tech NL members in Qblox’s brand new and impressive location.

Eric showed the importance of innovation ecosystems. Nico Hendricks, founder of QuTech’s most recent spin-off Groove, presented trends and needs in Quantum Computing, with specific attention to the importance of the supply chain. Marike Boertien gave a short update on the recent developments in the QuantumDelta program, where industrialisation is increasingly important. Urs Staufer gave his insights on the quantum related knowledge needed to participate in the quantum supply chain. Hint: in the QTIndu project, tailor made solutions for professionals in industrial settings are being developed and can be tested.

This was the first visit to one of five Quantum Delta hubs, tailored to the needs of high tech and/or supply chain partners. Are you curious and do you want to join next time? Do contact Marike Boertien.

Last Tuesday, we hosted a regional event in Wageningen to explore the relationship between nanotechnology and food/life sciences. It is fascinating to see the importance of nanotechnology as an enabler. 

Professor Karin Schroën, an expert in Food Process Engineering, delivered a captivating lecture on micro- and nanotechnology for food production. Her talk delved into the fascinating world of microfluidics and its role in promoting healthier food.

Following Professor Schroën’s presentation, Luc Scheres, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Surfix, took the stage. His minilecture, titled “The Future of Diagnostics: Surfix’s Photonic Diagnostic Platform,” provided insights into cutting-edge diagnostic technologies and also showed the successful evolution of a startup nanotech company since its inception.

To conclude the afternoon, Arjan Tibbe from IMEC-OnePlanet shared his expertise on Sensing and Sensors. Attendees also had the opportunity to explore the OnePlanet Lab during a guided tour, and we ended the afternoon with bites and drinks.

We reflect on a successful event in Wageningen and extend our gratitude to everyone who participated. Mark your calendars for the next regional gathering on June 26, 2024, in Delft. Stay tuned for further details!

On Tuesday June 20 2023, 15 MinacNed members got together for a visit to Malvern Panalytical, a company making instrumentation for the analysis of micro- and nanomaterials. After a short introduction to the company, a tour was made through the facilities, showing the application laboratory, the R&D center and the production floor. The visit with closed with drinks and a bite. The participants enjoyed the opportunity to have a look ‘behind the scenes’. MinacNed is planning another member visit for the second half of the year in the Randstad area.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) is organising a Matchmaking Nanotech Expo to Japan from 1 – 3 February 2023. Are you actively involved in photonics, quantum- or nanotechnology? And do you want to explore the opportunities and developments of these three key enabling technologies in Japan? Then please, read more about this event and join the mission.

Quantum technology, nanotechnology and photonics (integrated photonics, optical) are essential key technologies in the Netherlands and Japan. Therefore, both countries strongly invest in further development of these technologies to solve all kinds of societal challenges – for example, safety, sustainability, economics and life science.

The Nanotech Expo is the largest exhibition in this field in Asia. In this edition, there will be special attention for quantum technology, nanotechnology and photonics (integrated photonics and optica), and the Netherlands will be represented with the Dutch Pavillion. The expo participation results from the intensive collaboration between BC Nanotech, Photondelta and Quantum delta NL.

For who?

This event is interesting for Dutch governments, industries, and knowledge institutions. The event focuses on the professionals who work at the interface of photonics, quantum and nanotechnology.

Goals of this mission

This networking event is of particular interest to you if you:

  • want to find potential customers, such as partners for joint research, development and commercialization;
  • want to intensify bilateral cooperation between government, business and knowledge institutions;
  • want to develop bilateral arrangements and programs to support bilateral cooperation;
  • want to position the Netherlands in EU programs through relationships with Japan.

Want to join us to Japan? Participation is open to all Dutch parties active in these areas. You can sign up by sending an e-mail to Raoul Oostenbrink, coordinator of Business Cluster Nano PIB-Japan. Places are limited and will go on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. 

This month, Willem Endhoven of High Tech NL visited Surfix Diagnostics with the aim to jointly host a webinar in cooperation with Hans Dijk of MinacNed, under technical leadership of Emanuela Zanetti. It definitely was a great webinar with speakers out of the biosensor field. Joost Lötters of Bronkhorst spoke about flow control in organ-on-a-chip applications. Followed by Avinash Radjkoemar of Novioscan B.V. who spoke about Sens-U. The third and final speaker was Merijn Klarenbeek who spoke about the Balance Belt of his company Elitac Wearables.

It were three inspiring talks! People of these Dutch companies are driven by their wish to improve quality of life.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) organises an innovation mission to Japan from 10 – 14 October 2022. Are you actively involved in photonics, quantum- or nanotechnology? And do you want to explore the opportunities and developments of these three key enabling technologies in Japan? Then please, read more about this event and join the mission.

Quantum technology, nanotechnology and photonics (integrated photonics, optical) are essential key technologies in the Netherlands and Japan. Therefore, both countries are strongly investing in further development of these technologies to contribute to solving all kinds of societal challenges – for example, safety, sustainability, economics and life science.

For who?

This mission is interesting for Dutch governments, industries, and knowledge institutions. The mission focuses on the professionals who work at the interface of photonics, quantum and nanotechnology.

Goals of this mission

The goals of this innovation mission to Japan are:

  • Exploring and finding potential partners for joint research, development and commercialisation of technological innovations in the field of photonics, quantum and nanotechnology;
  • intensifying bilateral cooperation between government, industry and knowledge institutes;
  • developing bilateral schemes and programmes to support bilateral cooperation;
  • And positioning the Netherlands in EU programmes through relations with Japan.

Are you interested? Please, visit the website of the RVO for the whole programme, an information meeting on 15 June 2022 in The Hague, costs and registration (before 28 June 2022).