
Press release April 9, 2021

1.35 Billion euros will be made available from the National Growth Fund (Groeifonds) for artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine, infrastructure for health data, quantum technology and hydrogen / green chemistry. This concerns the funding of 5 proposals (awards and reservations) for research and innovation submitted by State Secretary Mona Keijzer (Economic Affairs and Climate) on behalf of cooperating companies, knowledge institutions and governments.

According to the independent advisory committee, they contribute to economic growth, the strengthening of research and innovation ecosystems and the international knowledge and competitive position of the Netherlands. The decision of the advisory committee on the first round of the National Growth Fund was adopted by the Council of Ministers today. In addition to supporting innovative strength, proposals for strengthening infrastructure (IenW) and knowledge development (OCW) were also assessed. It concerned a total of 15 applications.

State Secretary Mona Keijzer (EZK): “Innovation aimed at digitization, sustainability and health immediately acquired a prominent place at the start of the National Growth Fund. That is good for all Dutch people. After all: research and development is the key to sustainable growth and thus our jobs and income for the future. ”

The State Secretary continues: “The large-scale public funding for these five innovative applications will make an important contribution to keep our country prosperous. It is necessary for the government to take on a more active role to further develop research, innovation and technology, to allow start-ups to continue to grow, to attract talent, to maintain innovation in the Netherlands and thus to strengthen our international position. I see great opportunities for the cooperating companies, knowledge institutions and governments involved in this to capitalize on these challenges. ”

The five funded proposals from research and development (R&D) and innovation are:

Quantum Delta Nederland – 615 Million Euro

The Dutch knowledge position in the field of quantum technology is among the best in the world. The proposal to further expand the ecosystem and convert it into business is fully funded (615 million euros). Quantum Delta Netherlands works in Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Leiden and Twente with a large coalition of companies, universities and other knowledge institutions on setting up the necessary infrastructure, developing the technology and its applicability. Part of the plan is also investing in employees for the future, so that this new sector will soon have enough trained personnel.

Quantum technology uses two principles: entanglement and superposition. Entanglement means that two particles are non-physically connected. If one changes, the other changes immediately: faster than light. This makes new, extremely safe and fast (communication) networks possible. Superposition ensures that, instead of regular bits that can be either 0 or 1 alone, qubits are 0 and 1 at the same time. That releases a lot of computing power. A quantum computer can do calculations that modern computers would take centuries to do.

Quantum Delta Netherlands is developing the first quantum computer that is of great importance for more efficient production or transport due to the calculation speed. But is also working on the first larger quantum network and on quantum sensors that are able to measure changes in very small particles, such as in DNA. Another future contribution is the contribution to cybersecurity via a secure (quantum) internet.

Regenerative medicine: RegMed XB 56 million euro

The amount requested for two biomedical innovation proposals is fully funded. The first is RegMed XB (56 million euros), which will build four Dutch pilot factories (Eindhoven, Leiden, Maastricht, Utrecht) for the development of regenerative medicine. This focuses on the repair of damage to cells, tissues and organs, so that chronic diseases can be prevented or cured.

Healthcare is a global, growing market due to an increasing population and an aging population. Effective treatments with gene and stem cell therapy are therefore also a great economic opportunity. The economic goal of RegMed XB is to enable Dutch businesses to develop these innovative products and processes together with researchers and to respond to a rapidly growing foreign market.

Health-RI: infrastructure for health data – 69 million euro

The second proposal within the theme of biomedical innovation is about setting up an integrated and secure national health data infrastructure. This involves pooling and reusing Dutch knowledge in the field of health, not a data infrastructure for patient care. The requested amount of 69 million euros from the public-private partnership Health-RI is also fully funded.

Data is currently still being managed in a fragmented way by many healthcare and science organizations such as the University Medical Centers. Joining forces is essential to develop new and more effective (personalized) solutions for diagnosis, treatment and prevention more quickly and cheaply. The large amount of new fundamental knowledge about lifestyle, health and disease, combined with a technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), contributes to both our health and to Dutch companies that are active in this field.

Scale up of Opschalen van hydrogen and green electrons in industry – 338 million euro

The Green Power proposal is partially funded (338 million euros) and is aimed at the upscaling of hydrogen and the application of green electrons in energy-intensive industries. It concerns an integrated approach by companies, governments and knowledge institutions in this sector, including a broadly coherent research and innovation program and an education agenda. Moreover, development can make a significant contribution to the climate challenge.

Public investments must create a powerful and flexible hydrogen ecosystem that forms the basis for the upscaling of hydrogen and electrochemistry. Industrial clusters with opportunities for this are the Northern Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rotterdam / Moerdijk, Zeeland, Arnhem, Brainport Eindhoven and Limburg (Chemelot).

More research and innovations are needed to ultimately be able to use green hydrogen efficiently and more cheaply. This also creates interesting revenue models for the Netherlands, both in a possible role as producer or international distributor.

AiNed: investment program artificial intelligence – 276 million euro

The Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC), a public-private partnership of more than 250 participants, has been largely funded (276 million euros) for the first phase of its investment proposal for artificial intelligence (AI). The ambition of the so-called AiNed program is to get the Netherlands in the international leading group of countries, both in terms of social conditions and the economic utilization of AI.

AI can be widely applied for, for example, more efficient energy systems, smarter mobility and logistics or better healthcare. The proposal focuses on a coordinated Dutch approach to strengthen knowledge and applicability of AI through research, innovation, valorisation, education and to ensure people-oriented, responsible application of AI in society.

The focus in the approach for the accelerated application of AI in the Netherlands is on sectors that generate the most earning potential: high-tech industry, mobility, logistics, energy, health and care. The strategic program therefore invests in attracting and retaining talented AI scientists, training and education, developing social frameworks for applications and intensifying participation in European programs, so that more EU money comes to the Netherlands.

Second round of financing from National Growth Fund

In total, State Secretary Mona Keijzer submitted six proposals on behalf of the parties involved for the first round. The FoodSwitch proposal has not been accepted. The National Growth Fund has announced that a second round will follow this year in which improved and new proposals can be submitted for funding. Research and development (R&D) and innovation remain one of the pillars of the fund. A total of 20 billion euros is available from the fund until 2026, in the first round, 4 billion euros (partly conditionally) has been allocated and reserved today.

Dutch State Secretary Mona Keijzer expects this financial support for innovation to help several dozen new knowledge-intensive companies get off the ground in the coming years.
Bart Brouwers

The Dutch government is allocating 24 million euros for start-ups that can grow thanks to knowledge from research. Three collaborations between innovative companies, universities, other knowledge institutions, and (venture) investors in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), Medtech, and water technology are involved. This is the second tender of the so-called Thematic Technology Transfer (TTT) scheme.

In September 2019, the Dutch government made the same amount available for collaborations in the fields of regenerative medicine, smart systems, and circular solutions. According to the government, this support has now led to the first investments such as in a startup developing a biological drug against thrombosis.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) selected the three consortia. Each consortium will receive 8 million euros of the available 24 million euros.

1. Artificial intelligence

The first collaboration will focus on the application of artificial intelligence within the themes of healthcare and security. Coordinated by the University of Amsterdam, five Dutch universities, four university medical centers, the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, and the Eindhoven-based venture investor LUMO Labs will participate.

TTT.AI is intended to become the Dutch counter for AI startups that originate from a knowledge institution. “With this AI consortium we can successfully bring more AI initiatives from our knowledge institutions to the market and to society,” says Peter Westerhuijs, project leader of the consortium and business developer at IXA-UvA.

Andy Lürling, Founding Partner of LUMO Labs, says that his investment fund is already working extensively with knowledge institutions. “Thanks to this TTT.AI consortium, together we are much better able to identify promising initiatives and give them a flying start. Pioneering research and innovative development in the field of AI can thus find their way into society faster and better. Early-stage funding is indispensable to make the step from idea to impact.”

2. Medical technology for better diagnoses

A consortium of the four technical universities, university medical centers in Rotterdam, Nijmegen, and Maastricht, and the Amsterdam-based venture investor Innovation Industries are joining forces for more successful medical technology. They are building a national and open program that will bring together the right knowledge and expertise at an early stage and accelerate the market passage of medical technology innovations for better or less burdensome diagnoses and treatments, for example.

3. Water technology for energy reuse and storage

Netherlands Enabling Water Technology (NEW), the consortium for water technology, will also receive €8 million. The consortium consists of WetsusUniversity of GroningenDeltares, and Investment and Development Company North Netherlands (NOM). NEW stimulates startups with initiatives in the field of water technology to accelerate the transition to a circular, sustainable and climate-neutral economy, for example in the field of water and raw materials reuse and production and storage of energy from water.

The NEW plan consists of two parts: knowledge transfer and a fund. The partners in the knowledge transfer part will scout promising knowledge startups, have them develop at an accelerated pace and nominate the most promising startups to the NEW fund. “Without the financial support from the NEW fund, many good ideas in the water technology field will ultimately not make it to the market,” said an explanation from NEW. “Through the combined knowledge and broad expertise, stronger innovations will be developed by the knowledge starters. This, in combination with the NEW fund managed by NOM, will lead to more promising knowledge startups and a faster transition of startups to the growth phase.”

“The Netherlands as an innovation leader”

State Secretary Mona Keijzer expects that with this targeted financial support for innovation, several dozen new knowledge-intensive companies can get off the ground in the coming years. “The Netherlands is Europe’s innovation leader and we want to remain so. This scheme focuses on technological cooperation between science and entrepreneurs and gives a boost to our future jobs and income. It is important that we focus on innovation for both the short and long term in the current economic crisis.”

Original article: Innovation Origins

Press release Rijksoverheid: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (kerndepartement)

France and the Netherlands will cooperate intensively in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The national AI coalitions of both countries will jointly investigate how SMEs can make optimal use of AI; both countries will use agricultural data to increase the possibilities of AI for farmers; entrepreneurs and researchers who want to apply for EU subsidies for new inventions together can count on more support from both governments.

These and other agreements were made during the first digital innovation mission to France, from 25 to 27 January 2021. Under the leadership of State Secretary Mona Keijzer (Economic Affairs and Climate) and her French colleague Cédric O, 160 Dutch and 120 French entrepreneurs and researchers spoke. about how they can reinforce each other.

State Secretary Mona Keijzer (EZK): “In recent years, France and the Netherlands have sought more convergence in the field of digitization and AI. We think the same about this in various areas: it has enormous potential for our citizens and companies, but it must be safe, fair and people-oriented. We are well matched when it comes to AI, and together we can take on the world. We confirmed this on our innovation mission. The collaboration with this economic superpower in Europe will yield a lot to our entrepreneurs and researchers: not only knowledge, but also potential customers. In the area of ​​mobility, for example, we can contribute with our smart digital traffic solutions to the smooth running of the Olympic Games that will take place in Paris in 2024.”

AI for entrepeneurs

Both the Netherlands and France have a national organization within which governments, entrepreneurs and researchers want to get the most out of AI. The Netherlands has the Dutch AI Coalition; France the Hub France IA. These coalitions will work together to ensure that as many entrepreneurs and researchers as possible can reap the benefits of AI. They focus, among other things, on SMEs, startups and scale-ups. They will also investigate whether AI products should be certified that guarantees their high standard.

Stronger together in Europe

The European Union provides various grants to researchers and entrepreneurs for the development of new (digital) products and services. This is done through the Horizon and Digital Europe programs, among other things. Of all European countries, French parties get the most funding from these programs; The Netherlands is in fifth place.

The Franco-Dutch innovation mission has resulted in France and the Netherlands collaborating more closely when applying for this European subsidy for AI projects. This gives our research institutions and entrepreneurs a greater chance of receiving the European funds. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has reserved an additional 99 million euros in total to help finance Dutch proposals.

Agriculture and health

The Netherlands and France are both major producers of food: the second and third exporter of agricultural products in the world. In order to maintain this position, it is important to make agriculture and horticulture ever more efficient and at the same time to make it more sustainable, so that the largest possible, nutritious yield is achieved with as few raw materials as possible. AI and data play an increasingly important role in that process. During the innovation mission, the Netherlands and France agreed to collaborate in the field of agricultural data from agricultural data so that this can benefit farmers and horticulturists. For example, they can determine more precisely when to harvest and how much nutrients are needed.

Both countries will also investigate what AI can mean for healthcare. For example, through a Dutch invention – the Personal Health Train – AI can make it possible for individuals to make their health data available to scientists, while at the same time having complete control over what happens with their data. A separate innovation mission will be organized later this year in the field of AI and health.

Photo by Gertrūda Valasevičiūtė on Unsplash


Are you active in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Do you want to scout R&D or business opportunities in France? Then register for the digital AI mission to pitch your solutions to potential business partners. Explore options for collaboration within the European Union programmes. Learn more about the ambitions of the Global Partnership on AI.

Suppose we create the right environment for AI entrepreneurs to move past the COVID-19 crisis. Suppose we can put entrepreneurs in a position to reach their full potential. In that case, tens of thousands of smaller, innovative growth companies in the European Union can generate sustainable new jobs. Artificial intelligence is at the core of the digital and energy transition of the EU. Public-private collaboration is needed to create the right climate for innovative entrepreneurs. For that reason, the Dutch AI Coalition has organised an online AI mission with France and the Netherlands. This mission’s goal is to build awareness about the relevance of an AI ecosystem. We need this system to create and save jobs. We also need it to develop smart solutions for our health, mobility, nutrition, and, of course, our planet and climate.

Why France?

In Europe, France is leading the way in AI by seeking international cooperation. On 29 March 2018, President Macron launched his plan to invest €1.5 billion in AI over the next 5 years. His vision was to place France among the world leaders in AI R&D and innovation. The €1.5 billion is invested in:

  • Developing offensive data policy;
  • Focusing on 4 strategic sectors;
  • Boosting French research;
  • Planning the impact of AI on the labour market;
  • Making AI more environmental-friendly;
  • Opening the AI black boxes, and
  • AI as support for inclusivity and diversity.
Read more about the background.

Mission purpose

Participating in the virtual AI mission to France has 3 objectives:
  1. Positioning Dutch companies and knowledge institutions as innovative solution providers in the field of artificial intelligence, in cooperation with the Dutch AI Coalition;
  2. Building a relevant network to scale up AI solutions, promote trade and explore opportunities for R&D collaboration;
  3. Exploring the European, and specifically the French market, with associated French and European developments in the field of AI.

The mission is led by State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Mona Keijzer and Focco Vijselaar, Director-General for Business and Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.

The programme

For whom?

For entrepreneurs, policymakers and researchers in artificial intelligence, interested in the French market/research community. The focus of the mission is on the health, mobility, energy, agriculture/food and high-tech systems and materials sectors.


Please sign up to participate.

We request active involvement before and during the mission. Please, supply data, pitch material, and so on. This mission is part of a pilot to organise online missions. For this reason, we do not ask for a financial contribution. We do ask participants to purchase a VR headset (Oculus Quest) for the programme on the third day.

More details

For more details or questions about the mission, please contact: Marloes Pomp, International Strategy National AI Coalition.

If you have any problems with your registration, please e-mail

Are you active in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with applications for industry and services? Strengthen your position on the French and European markets. Go to the 1st European AI Village at the Global Industry Fair. This mission is headed by State Secretary Mona Keijzer of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). In collaboration with the Dutch AI coalition, the Netherlands has a country pavilion there, just like other European countries such as Germany, Finland, France and also European regions.

French President Macron is patron of this international fair. About 40 sectors are represented. It is expected that around 50,000 key decision-makers, 2,500 exhibitors, 17,000 companies and 1,000 training institutions will come from 84 countries.

Read more:

HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition is the leading knowledge and networking platform for the manufacturing, energy and logistics industries. From AI and robotics to automation technology, logistics IT and industrial software to batteries and fuel cells: Under the guiding theme “Industrial Transformation”, industry thought leaders present their technologies and ideas for the factories, energy systems and supply chains of the future.

Conference program

What role does AI play in the industry? How can your data generate added value? What potential does hydrogen offer for industry? The interactive conference program at HANNOVER MESSE addresses these questions and more. Whether you are looking for concrete use cases or long-term strategies for the future, the ideas and visions of the speakers will inspire you and help you develop concrete measures for your company.

Read more

Bent u actief op het gebied van kunstmatige intelligentie (artificial intelligence – AI)? En wilt u zakendoen in België? Neem dan op 27 en 28 mei deel aan deze virtuele handelsmissie. Tijdens deze virtuele missie ontmoet u Belgische ondernemers die net als u willen samenwerken op het gebied van AI. U krijgt de kans om uw kennis te verbreden en nieuwe zakelijke contacten op te doen.

Voor wie?

De missie staat open voor bedrijven en kennisinstellingen uit de volgende sectoren:

  • smart health
  • smart buildings/cities
  • autonome systemen (productie/logistiek)

Wij moedigen vrouwelijke ondernemers in het bijzonder aan om zich aan te melden.

Deze missie richt zich op bedrijven en kennisinstellingen die AI-gedreven toepassingen en diensten ontwikkelen, en daarbij op zoek zijn naar informatie, netwerken, partners, klanten en bedrijven.

België, een interessante AI-markt

AI brengt verschillende technologieën en toepassingen samen. Het speelt een steeds grotere rol in de technologische industrie en daarbuiten. Belangrijke punten voor de ontwikkeling van AI in Nederland zijn: meer inkomsten voor Nederlandse AI-bedrijven, het ontsluiten van meer AI-expertise en de introductie van nieuwe technologieën bij bedrijven laagdrempeliger maken.

Het is daarom de moeite waard om naar partnerschappen en markten over de grens te kijken. En vooral België is een interessante markt voor Nederlandse bedrijven. Grensoverschrijdende samenwerking kan de hele Nederlandse AI-sector versterken.


Wilt u meer weten over de kansen in de Belgische AI-sector? KPMG maakte een marktstudie om het Belgische AI-ecosysteem inzichtelijker te maken voor Nederlandse bedrijven. RVO en de Nederlandse ambassade in België gaven hiervoor de opdracht.

Lees meer over de kansen in deze sector (pdf).


  • Gezamenlijke opening met belangrijke keynotesprekers en de ambassadeur in België;
  • Breakoutsessies met Belgische experts (en netwerken) over de thema’s van de marktstudie: smart health, smart buildings/cities en autonome systemen (productie/logistiek);
  • Individuele online matchmaking op maat;
  • Matchmaking op eigen initiatief via het online b2match-platform;
  • Themasessies rond Belgische en Nederlandse AI-initiatieven en AI–programma’s. Gericht op (beleids)samenwerking en uitwisseling. Onderwerpen: mensgerichte AI, menselijk kapitaal, data delen en natuurlijke taalverwerking in het Nederlands;
  • Informatiesessie: onderzoekssamenwerking rond AI-gerelateerde onderwerpen binnen het programma Horizon Europe.

Bekijk het voorlopige programma van deze missie.

Kosten en deelname

  • Deelname kost € 250 (exclusief btw) per organisatie. Maximaal 2 deelnemers per organisatie;
  • Bij meer dan 2 deelnemers betaalt u € 125 (exclusief btw) per extra deelnemer;
  • Deelname aan de matchmaking op maat kost € 250 (exclusief btw) extra per organisatie.


Meld u aan voor deelname. Iedere deelnemer moet zich apart registreren.

Wilt u meedoen aan de individuele matchmaking op maat? Meldt u zich dan uiterlijk 30 april aan.

Meldt u zich aan na 30 april, dan kunt u niet meer meedoen aan de individuele matchmaking op maat. U kunt dan nog wel meedoen aan de webinars en de vrije matchmaking.

Wij vinden het belangrijk dat de bedrijven en kennisinstellingen binnen de genoemde opzet en inhoudelijke focus van deze missie vallen. Aanmelding betekent daarom niet automatisch deelname aan deze missie.

Meer informatie

Heeft u nog vragen over de virtuele handelsmissie AI België? Neem dan contact op met:

Jos Hermsen

Karin Schipper


De Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) organiseert deze missie samen met de Nederlandse ambassade in België, de Nederlandse AI Coalitie, het Enterprise Europe Network, InnovationQuarter, Brainport Development en Brightlands Smart Services Campus.

Nederland als internationale samenwerkingspartner

Met deze missie nodigen wij onze buitenlandse partners uit tot samenwerking in het zoeken naar oplossingen voor mondiale uitdagingen. Nederland werkt samen bij het behalen van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen en wil een partner zijn in technologische en maatschappelijke oplossingen voor een betere wereld.