
De Europese Commissie heeft onder het Health Cluster twee extra topics gericht op onderzoek en innovatie op het gebied van COVID-19 en COVID-19 varianten gepubliceerd:

1. Funding & tenders ( HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CORONA-01-01:
Vaccines & therapeutic clinical trials to boost COVID-19 prevention and treatment
Research & Innovation Action, 3-10  miljoen Euro per project; beschikbaar budget 60 M€

  1. Funding & tenders ( HORIZON-HLTH-2021-CORONA-01-02:
    Cohorts united against COVID-19 variants of concern
    Research & Innovation Action, 7-10  miljoen Euro per project; beschikbaar budget 30M€

Daarnaast zijn onder Research Infrastructures enkele geplande topics aangepast en deze zullen ook eerder open gaan:

1. Funding & tenders ( HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-01:
FAIR and open data sharing in support to European preparedness for COVID-19 and other infectious diseases
Research & Innovation Action, 12 miljoen Euro per project; 1 project

  1. Funding & tenders ( HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-02:
    Research infrastructure services for rapid research responses to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases epidemics
    Research & Innovation Action, 21 miljoen Euro per project; 1 project

De vier topics zijn allen single-stage. Ze gaan open voor indiening op 13 april en sluiten op 6 mei 2021.

Onder de Reference Documents op de Funding & Tender portal Reference Documents ( vindt u o.a. de general annexes en de templates.

Cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, are the largest cause of death worldwide, now and in the coming decade. The financial impact on society and our healthcare system is huge, since current treatments are less than optimal. A precisely designed blood vessel that fits the patient at a cellular scale will prevent long-term complications that currently trouble the use of a synthetic graft.

Designed to mimic the native blood vessels

A common treatment option for cardiovascular diseases is to replace the damaged blood vessel with a synthetic graft. However, this approach often fails due to uncontrolled tissue growth in the problematic area. The currently used vascular grafts are significantly different from the native blood vessels found in the human body. In particular, these grafts lack the complex structural and mechanical characteristics of blood vessels, which from biological point of view are essential for a proper functioning of the vascular cells. In other words, design is a missing link and may be a key factor in the development of successful cardiovascular solutions.

Steering biology using rational material design and processing

Recent technological advances in the fabrication of biologically-compatible materials, in particular by using cutting-edge 3D printing technologies, offer opportunities for grafts with precisely designed and controlled architectures at the (sub-)micrometer scale – smaller than the size of a human cell. A rational design of the graft structure at such small scale prior to its implantation, will make it possible to direct the biological processes in the body and thereby to replicate the complexity and functionality of the living blood vessels. This innovative idea is exactly what will be explored in the project “Advaessel: Advanced materials processing and design for regenerating blood vessels”, which is one of the finalists of HiTMaT 2020.

Joining forces to bring the design to the patient

The project proposes a multidisciplinary collaboration of experts in the Netherlands and Europe in the fields of advanced material design and processing, vascular biology, and tissue engineering. Furthermore, the team will engage enterprises and a national network of clinical partners and medical advisors to ensure a smooth translation to the end users. The outcome is expected to make a leap into a new generation of functional, fully resorbable implants for cardiovascular applications.

Collaboration partners: Eindhoven University of Technology (Dept. Biomedical Engineering), University Medical Center Utrecht (Dept. Orthopaedics) and Corbion.

Source: Holland High Tech news

Niet alleen de longen ondervinden ernstige schade door COVID-19, bij een deel van de patiënten ook het hart. De oorzaak is nog niet duidelijk. Door hartweefsel op een ‘organ-on-chip’ bloot te stellen aan het virus én aan de medicatie die wordt gebruikt, ontstaat een snel en gepersonaliseerd beeld van de oorzaken, en mogelijk ook de remedies. Het ‘Organ-on-Chip Center Twente’ van de Universiteit Twente trekt daarvoor samen op met het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum en de ondernemingen River Biomedics en NCardia, om deze kennis snel beschikbaar te maken.

Organ-on-chip systemen bieden de mogelijkheid om een miniatuurversie van een orgaan te bouwen. Dit mini-orgaan, meestal gevormd vanuit stamcellen, functioneert in een omgeving die lijkt op het echte lichaam dankzij een stelsel van vloeistofkanaaltjes en -reservoirs. Via die weg zijn ook andere stoffen toe te voegen, zoals medicatie. Voor het hart zijn er intussen modelsystemen die gebaseerd zijn op human pluripotent stem cells. Die kunnen volgens de onderzoekers ook ingezet worden voor tests met COVID-19 medicatie. En met modellen van het virus zélf: wat is het – tot nu toe onbegrepen – effect van het virus op het hart?

Snel en gepersonaliseerd

De grote voordelen zijn dat de resultaten snel beschikbaar zijn en dat zelfs het effect op de individuele patiënt zichtbaar wordt, bij gebruik van diens eigen cellen en bloed. Een gepersonaliseerde behandeling is dan mogelijk. De basis van het systeem is nu al beschikbaar, daar kan naar verwachting vlot op worden voortgebouwd. Doordat organ-on-chip systemen direct met menselijk weefsel werken, is een voordeel ook dat minder proefdieren nodig zijn.

In het project ‘MONACO-sprint’, modeling and attacking COVID-19 with Organs-on-Chips werken onderzoekers van het nieuwe Organ-on-Chip Center van de UT samen. Dit is een samenwerking van het TechMed Centre en het MESA+ Instituut van de UT.  De onderzoekers werken ook samen met collega’s van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Partners uit het bedrijfsleven zijn de UT-spin-off River Biomedics en de in Leiden gevestigde onderneming NCardia. Het project wordt financieel ondersteund door Health~Holland.

Bron: nieuws University of Twente

Powered by Flanders’ Care – Government of Flanders & E.E.N. Flanders

The current COVID-19 crisis has activated worldwide many initiatives to support and help those who are in need, mostly fragmented on a regional scale. Nevertheless we all are facing the same challenges and are looking for solutions in order to support the entire healthcare sector.

At the same time we have to prepare the necessary support following the outbreak. The proposals on this platform can be supportive for this phase too.

The ‘Care & Industry together against CORONA’ platform aims to bring together all of the different actors in Europe to:

  • match offers and requests
  • share knowledge and approaches
  • give an overview of tailor-made support in your own region

At ‘Care & Industry together against CORONA’, we offer the opportunity to make targeted and time-efficient contacts with all actors in healthcare, industry, academia and government. By means of an online platform, interested parties can present their profile.

To ensure a maximum of reliability and to avoid fraud and abuse, the different profiles will be strictly validated by regional E.E.N. organisations.

Main goals

Gather and showcase initiatives, offers and needs in the short term
Foster interaction between healthcare, industry, support organisations, government, academia and others
Maximise the reliability of the proposals

  • Consumer Goods (Prevention/Diagnostics/Treatment/Rehabilitation)
  • Diagnostics (Biomedical/Medical Technology)
  • Emergency Medicine/Rescue Equipment
  • Hospital & Care Equipment
  • Hygiene, Sterilisation, Disinfection
  • Imaging
  • Information Technology
  • Communication Technology
  • Intensive Medicine, Anaesthesiology, Respiration
  • Laboratory Technology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Therapy & Physical Medicine
  • Gaming Technology
  • Leisure
  • Corona Measures & Support
  • Others

We invite you to participate on this platform, to choose the topic(s) for which you have or need a solution, and find a partner for discussions and moving forward. For each region you also can find supporting service organisations on the marketplace.

The entire E.E.N. network is at your service to support you in the search and identification of potential partner(s) and to highlight the most appropriate and impactful initiatives.

Read more about the platform and how it works here.


This year the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium was going to be held at TU Delft on 4-5 November 2020. Due to the uncertainties surrounding Covid-19, the event is now postponed to 2021.

However, in order to provide an opportunity for the Dutch Process Technology community to connect and exchange ideas, this year NPS17 will take a new form: a series of webinars taking place in November 2020, within the overarching theme of “Sustaining the future”.  The webinars will also include pitch presentations for networking by PhD students and postdocs.

“Sustaining the Future” means developing new process routes, and re-innovating processes by applying known technologies across various industries. It is necessary to rethink the way industrial plants are designed and to bring engineering to the digital century to optimize process control.


  • Wednesday 4 November, 15.00: Energy
  • Wednesday 11 November, 15.00: Circularity
  • Wednesday 18 November, 15.00: Water
  • Wednesday 25 November, 15.00: Health, food and pharma

Register now and select the webinars you want to attend!