
Het ontwikkelen van hoogwaardige microdeeltjes om disruptieve oplossingen te creëren die de levenskwaliteit verbeteren: dat is waar ons team bij IamFluidics een passie voor heeft. We hebben een sterke focus op technologische innovaties in microfluidics en materialen voor verschillende markten, zoals de pharma en drug delivery.

Dankzij een haalbaarheidssubsidie ​​van de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) konden we een proof of concept-onderzoek starten. Deze proof of concept is een begin om onze capaciteiten in de farmaceutische markt te ontwikkelen. Het project beoogt de ontwikkeling van systemen met gecontroleerde afgifte op basis van PLGA (Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid). Dit PLGA-polymeer is de gouden standaard in producten met langwerkende afgifte in de farmaceutische markt. De hoge kwaliteit van IamFluidics microencapsulation processes is een perfecte match voor het afstemmen van de injecteerbaarheid en afgifte-eigenschappen van microdeeltjes met het regelen van hun exacte grootte, vorm en oppervlakte.

Meer weten over de markten waarop wij onze onderzoeken en ontwikkelingen richten? Lees dan zeker meer over SenSpherePluriLife en ApiBead en neem contact op als u de voordelen uit de eerste hand wilt ervaren. Bekijk onze nieuwste artikelen op onze social media en website voor de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom deze proof of concept.

Bron: IamFluidics nieuws

To showcase the partners in the nanotechnology ecosytem, MinacNed has worked together with a number of member companies to shoot a promotional video about their company. These videos are now available on the partner profile pages. The video’s give a short pitch and insight in the technology and services that our MinacNed members have to offer to you.

If you are interested to learn more about the member company, you will find the contact information the member page. The following MinacNed members have published a video:


Lionix International



You will find the video via the company logo, which will open a video player in a new window. All videos are produced by Studio Lek.

Five innovative Overijssel projects will receive a subsidy from the European OP Oost program 2014-2020. All projects come from Twente and together receive an amount of 5.7 million to develop further. MinacNed members IamFluidics, Bronkhorst, MASER and Saxion Hogeschool and are participants in various projects that were awarded European funding.

Advanced Microcarrier for culture of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

IamFluidics will participate in the “Advanced Microcarrier for culture of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells” project. This is focused on developing a new type of microcarrier suitable for the cultivation of specialized stem cells. Stem cells offer a solution for many diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Stem cells can multiply themselves and be converted into specialized cell types. These cell types can for example be used to screen new drugs for these diseases.
Project partners: IamFluidics (Enschede), Scinus Cell expansion (Utrecht), River Biomedics (Enschede) en Universiteit Twente (Enschede).

Test advanced chips early’ project

What is the project? Within the ‘METEORITE’ project, new techniques are being developed to test chips with MEMS (Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems) for their functioning at an early stage. Faulty MEMS lead to great waste of materials and time. As a result, they remain relatively expensive and applications are limited. With a MEMS “chip”, it is possible to make small electronic devices with special functionalities (sensors) to, for example, detect movements, generate light and measure or analyze liquid flows. A standard chip is measured for errors at an early stage in the production process. Existing testing technology for MEMS is currently underdeveloped, wasting material and time.

Project partners: Salland Engineering (Zwolle), Bronkhorst High Tech (Ruurlo), Stichting Saxion (Enschede), University of Twente (Enschede) and Maser Engineering (Enschede).

Read more about the OP Oost projects that were awarded European funding on the newspage of RTV Oost.

Source: IamFluidics