Consortia including research institutes and public and private organisations can submit project proposals for fundamental or application-oriented research on innovative and groundbreaking technologies within 8 clusters of key technologies:
- Nanotechnologies
- Chemical Technologies
- Digital Technologies
- Engineering and Fabrication Technologies
- Photonics and Light Technologies
- Advanced Materials
- Quantum Technologies
- Life science technologies
The call Key Technologies calls for the development of initiatives over the full width of the KIA Key Technologies. Thus she strenghtens the technology base in the Netherlands and enables topsectors to solve societal challenges adequately. The outcome of the research is broadly applicable en has a large impact on science and/or society.
Who can apply?
Pre-proposals and full proposals are submitted by the main applicant and one or more co-applicants. Besides the main and co-applicant (s), a consortium always consists of two or more co-funders. In addition, other private and / or public organisations can participate in the consortium as collaborating partners. All participants must play an active role in the formulation of the research questions and the design and realisation of the project.
More information about specific conditions regarding who can apply can be found in section 3.1 of the call for proposals.
What to apply for?
A budget of 11 million euros is available for this call for proposals. Funding can be requested for research proposals with a total budget of at least 750,000 euros and at most 2,500,000 euros. NWO will fund a maximum of 70% of the total project budget; the rest of the funding must be contributed by co-funding. Co-funding may be provided in-cash or in-kind, but at least half of the amount must be in-cash. At least 50% of the total co-funding must be from private sources. More information about the conditions for co-funding can be found in section 3.5.2 of the call for proposals.
For this call the following modules can be applied for:
- Personnel costs
- Material costs
- Investments
- Knowledge utilisation
- Internationalisation
- Money follows Cooperation
- Project management
The maximum duration of a project is six years.
When to apply
- The deadline for the submission of appropriateness statement is November 10, 2020, 14:00:00 CET. The result of the review process of the appropriateness statement will be communicated by NWO no later than December 23th.
- The deadline for the submission of preproposals is January 19, 2021, 14:00:00 CET.
- The deadline for the submission of proposals is May 18, 2021, 14:00:00 CEST.
Read more at NWO KIC