
From this week onwards, starting entrepreneurs in the life sciences & health sector can once again register for a new edition of the Venture Challenge. Teams that pass the selection round will receive professional guidance for the development of their business case.

The upcoming spring round of the Venture Challenge will start mid-April with a first boot camp and is being organised on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) by NWO and top sector Life sciences & Health (Health~Holland). After an intensive trajectory of about two months, the participants will pitch their plans to a jury of investors and other experts on 18 June. The deadline for registering for this round is 12 January 2021. After that, based on the advice from the advisory committee, the board of NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences will determine which teams will be admitted (see the brochure for the exact procedure).

Bringing the invention to the market

The Venture Challenge was set up by Health~Holland with the aim of providing starting entrepreneurs in the life sciences with professional support during the development of their business case. That helps with applying for funding and, ultimately, the marketing of the invention. Participation is open for teams of three to five people who have established a new start-up in the area of life sciences & health or will do that shortly. The product or service is based on a new technological invention or a new application of existing technology, which has emerged from scientific research. The programme consists of two, three-day long boot camps and regular coaching sessions. During these sessions, the participants work on setting up or refining their business case under the guidance of experienced coaches from the consultancy GameChanger Challenge.

PacingCure and SLAM Ortho winners 2020

The winners of both rounds from 2020 were announced during the online Dutch Life Science Conference last Friday. The spring round was won by PacingCure, a biotech start-up from Amsterdam that employs an innovative and precise approach to develop gene therapies for prevalent cardiac arrhythmias. Start-up SLAM Ortho from Delft, developer of precise measurement equipment to optimise drilling in bones, won the recently completed autumn edition of the Venture Challenge. Both winning teams received a cheque worth 25,000 euros that they can use to invest in the further expansion of their business.

Deadline for registration: 12 January

Candidates who submit the fully completed registration form by 12 January have a chance of securing one of the at most six available places in the upcoming spring round. All information about the Venture Challenge at NWO, including the registration form, can be found on the programme page on the Venture Challenge website.


After carefully evaluating all possible outcomes and scenarios, and with our attendees’ health and safety in mind, has decided to turn the 2020 edition of knowledge for growth into a digital experience!

knowledge for growth is Europe’s finest life sciences conference, and will take place on 9 & 10 September 2020, now fully DIGITAL

The conference features an exciting programme providing vital insight into the global life sciences’ landscape, one-to-one partnering, a digital trade fair with 100+ exhibitors and more!

Join us on September 9 & 10 together with 1300+ HIGH-LEVEL LIFE SCIENCES ACTORS FROM 600+ COMPANIES & ORGANISATIONS!

The cream of the Belgian life sciences community will attend the 16th edition of’s annual knowledge for growth business conference, attracting decision makers from biotech, pharma and medtech, agricultural and chemical industry as well as investors, universities, topnotch research institutes, policymakers and competence providers.

Read more and register your attendance here

Bent u actief in de digitale gezondheidszorg of e-health-toepassingen? En bent u geïnteresseerd in de laatste marktontwikkelingen en kansen in Zuid-Afrika? Volg op 25 juni het webinar E-health: mogelijkheden voor samenwerking in de Zuid-Afrikaanse HealthTech markt.

Wereldwijd maakt de uitbraak van de COVID-19-pandemie duidelijk dat de gezondheidszorg dringend moet digitaliseren. De behoefte aan innovatieve gezondheidstechnologieën en betrouwbare systemen voor patiëntinformatie en kennisuitwisseling is groter dan ooit.

In Zuid-Afrika, de meest ontwikkelde economie van het continent, is er groeiende aandacht voor – en vraag naar – digitale oplossingen in de gezondheidszorg. Zowel de publieke als private sector zullen de komende tijd investeren in innovatieve oplossingen en betrouwbare systemen.

Inhoud webinar

Dit webinar gaat in op de laatste marktontwikkelingen, mogelijkheden, mogelijke hindernissen en aanpak markttoegang. Deze onderwerpen zijn gebaseerd op de resultaten van een in opdracht van RVO uitgevoerde marktstudie. Tijdens dit webinar wordt specifiek ingegaan op onderstaande subsectoren:

Andere subsectoren die tijdens dit webinar aan bod komen zijn: electronic health records, telemedicine, mhealth, virtual healthcare, wearables, diagnosis and treatment decision support, advanced imaging and automated delivery and dispensing.

Vragen stellen

U kunt zelf vragen stellen aan specialisten van de Nederlandse ambassade in Pretoria en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. U kunt uw vragen nu invullen in het aanmeldformulier, of die tijdens het webinar insturen via de live-chatfunctie.

Voor wie?

Ondernemers en kennisinstellingen uit Nederland en Zuid-Afrika zijn van harte welkom om deel te nemen. De voertaal is Engels. Bij voldoende belangstelling wordt gekeken naar de mogelijkheid om een (digitale) missie naar Zuid-Afrika te organiseren met matchmaking tussen ondernemers.

Leer meer over het programma van dit webinar op de event pagina van RVO.