
De 4 technische universiteiten (4TU), waaronder de Universiteit Twente en de WUR, bundelen hun krachten met drie medisch academische centra en durfinvesteerder Innovation Industries om medisch technische (medtech) oplossingen sneller naar de markt te brengen. Deze week kenden de Ministeries van EZK en OCW 8 miljoen euro toe aan het medtech consortium vanuit de Thematische Technology Transfer (TTT) regeling. Deze TTT-regeling is in Europa best practice op het gebied van ondersteuning van spin-offs, incubators en universiteiten. Het consortium beoogt de goede internationale positie van de Nederlandse medtech sector verder uit te bouwen.

Deze TTT-regeling is in Europa best practice op het gebied van ondersteuning van spin-offs, incubators en universiteiten. Het consortium beoogt de goede internationale positie van de Nederlandse medtech sector verder uit te bouwen. 

Technologische innovaties zijn keihard nodig om de zorg op de lange termijn betaalbaar, kwalitatief en bemensbaar te houden. De route naar de markt is voor medtech spin-offs echter zeer complex en lastig. De Kennis Transfer Offices (KTO) van TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Universiteit Twente en Wageningen Universiteit & Research bouwen samen met de KTO’s van Erasmus MC, RadboudUMC en Maastricht UMC, en VC fonds Innovation Industries aan een nationaal en open programma.

Minder uitval en sneller naar de markt

‘Het initiatief voor deze aanvraag komt vanuit 4TU, met de Universiteit Twente als penvoerder’, vertelt Roy Kolkman, Manager van het KTO van de Universiteit Twente. ‘Met deze investering leggen we een uitstekend fundament voor de medtech spin-offs in Nederland. Door de voedingsbodem met de juiste kennis en expertise te verrijken, is de kans op uitval kleiner en wordt de time-to-market verkort.’

Betere proposities

‘Door bundeling van krachten tussen UMC’s en TU’s komen we tot sterke proposities’, zegt Thijs Spigt, KTO-directeur van Erasmus MC. ‘De kennis en ervaring binnen het consortium zorgt voor snellere validatie en een betere business propositie. Hierbij is uitgebreid aandacht voor de klinische vraag, technische haalbaarheid en business ontwikkeling.’

Uitbouw koppositie

“Nederland is koploper in het ontwikkelen van nieuwe technologieën. Het naar de markt brengen is echter een grote uitdaging. We investeren in dit consortium en doen er alles aan om dit te laten slagen. Naast kapitaal leveren we met onze kennis, ervaring en netwerk een belangrijke bijdrage’, aldus Pleuni Hooijman, fondsmanager bij Innovation Industries.”

Bron: Health Valley news



De Twente innovation campuses and Novel-T have joined forces and developed a concept to bring together on content entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers and talent: Campus Café. Campus Café connects de Twente innovation community with breakout sessions on new technologies, innovative and international entrepreneurship and to engage talent. You will also have the opportunity to get to know each other during networking. You’re welcome to join on 17 June!


The quality of our healthcare is improving at a fast pace. The reason? Technology. Twente is full of innovations in the field of medical technology. Spin-offs and SME’s are developing innovations that make healthcare more efficient, cheaper and more accurate. Because of the corona pandemic, these developments have only gone faster. What is the secret of MedTech Twente? The answer to this question will be central in the upcoming edition of Campus Café: from a deep dive into the latest technologies to an online tour in MedTech Twente.

3.30 pm – Breakout session | Tracking down biomarkers with the photonic biosensor

In recent years, new biosensor technologies have been developed that can detect biomarkers with increasing accuracy and speed. This can lead to a faster diagnosis of, for example, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and infectious diseases. Surfix, a member of the association for industry and science MinacNed, is developing such a specific biosensor technology: the photonic biosensor. What is special about their fast technology is that it can detect multiple biomarkers at the same time. As a result, this technology can revolutionize the world of medical diagnostics. In this session, Hans Dijk from Surfix tells you everything about the application of the photonic biosensor. In addition, Dr. Ivan Stojanovic from Oost NL tells you more about the European project ‘NeMs4Bio’: a modular (bio) sensing platform for a wide range of applications. In this session, you are in the right place for everything about biosensors!

This session is organized in cooperation with MinacNed, the association for industry and science in the Netherlands.

*The spoken language of this session is English

Read more and register to attend here


De Twente innovation campuses and Novel-T have joined forces and developed a concept to bring together on content entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers and talent: Campus Café. Campus Café connects de Twente innovation community with breakout sessions on new technologies, innovative and international entrepreneurship and to engage talent. You will also have the opportunity to get to know each other during networking. You’re welcome to join on 17 June!


The quality of our healthcare is improving at a fast pace. The reason? Technology. Twente is full of innovations in the field of medical technology. Spin-offs and SME’s are developing innovations that make healthcare more efficient, cheaper and more accurate. Because of the corona pandemic, these developments have only gone faster. What is the secret of MedTech Twente? The answer to this question will be central in the upcoming edition of Campus Café: from a deep dive into the latest technologies to an online tour in MedTech Twente.

3.30 pm – Breakout session | Tracking down biomarkers with the photonic biosensor

In recent years, new biosensor technologies have been developed that can detect biomarkers with increasing accuracy and speed. This can lead to a faster diagnosis of, for example, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and infectious diseases. Surfix is developing such a specific biosensor technology: the photonic biosensor. What is special about their fast technology is that it can detect multiple biomarkers at the same time. As a result, this technology can revolutionize the world of medical diagnostics. In this session, Surfix tells you everything about the application of the photonic biosensor. In addition, Dr. Ivan Stojanovic from Oost NL tells you more about the European project ‘NeMs4Bio’: a modular (bio) sensing platform for a wide range of applications. In this session, you are in the right place for everything about biosensors!

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