
On September 23, the iMNC2020 hosted the first pre-meeting for iMNC2020, with 2 excellent keynote presentations from Ronny van t Oever (Micronit and Viralert initiative) and Maarten de Zwart (NWO). During the Q&A, led by moderator Prof Maarten Honing (Maastricht University) participants could ask their questions and this led to interesting discussion with the two keynotes.

This was the first session in the online platform iChair and the first online event for iMNC2020. Maarten Honing concluded that the discussion was so interesting, he had not been able to complete all his questions and that there was much more to discuss during the sessions on December 3 and 4, 2020. The iMNC2020 team looks forward to more lively discussions during the public-private collaborations track at the international MicroNanoConference 2020.

Pre-event Nano4Agri/Food

The organization looks forward to the next pre-meeting on Thursday October 7, 2020:

Micro and nanotechnology for agriculture and food production
Opportunities for a sustainable future.

During this session, Prof Karin Schroën (Wageningen University/University of Twente) will invite 2 keynote speakers from industry and science to discuss their own experience in the development and use of micro- and nanotechnology in agriculture and food production.

Both micro- and nanotechnology hold great promises to create more sustainable food production. But how to capitalize on this? Can production on the land be made more efficient through these two technologies, or should we consider vertical farming? And can we make better use of the various ingredients that are available, and possibly go to a situation in which food is designed such that it contributes to a longer healthy life? And if yes, would consumers also accept these innovations?

The keynote from industry is by dr. Marcel Zevenbergen, IMEC. He will be joined by dr. Frans Kampers from Wageningen University, Strategy advisor. The keynote speakers will be interviewed during a Q&A after their talk by Prof Karin Schroen, and will discuss their own experience and their vision on future developments in the field of food.


As a registered participant of iMNC2020, you can participate in all five pre-events. For new registrations to attend the iMNC2020 and all pre-events: Register here.

The International MicroNanoConference brings together science and industry to showcase how micro- and nanotechnology help addressing our societal challenges: Nano4Society. Like every year, we will focus on four sub-themes:

  • Health & Life science
  • Agro & Food
  • Sustainability & Energy
  • Manufacturing & Engineering

And as a special edition this year: Public Private Collaborations – Lessons learnt in times of pandemic collaboration: How to involve SME’s and address their interests.

Register now!

Pre-events planned

As a warm-up, we will start with 5 pre-meetings leading up to iMNC2020. The first pre-meeting is a session on lessons learnt from public-private collaboration in times of a pandemic crisis. During the Corona crisis, SME’s, large industry and scientists from research institutes worked together to find solutions for societal and medical problems. What lessons can we learn from these collaborations? The keynotes, who will be interviewed for a Q&A after their talk by Prof Maarten Honing will discuss their own experience and their vision on future collaborations.

Abstract submission open

On 3 and 4 December the iMNC2020 will be hosted completely online. With keynote speakers, exhibitors and poster pitches in online meeting rooms. We have set up an online platform where you can present your poster in PDF and with a short video pitch.

This year, no abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation in the main tracks. You will be asked to present a poster pitch in a small group of presenters in the same main theme. In the main program poster sessions will be organized where you can give a 3-minute poster pitch and discuss questions with the attendees. It is possible to play a video or animation next to your abstract in PDF.

The deadline for abstract submission is October 30, 17:00 (GMT+1 Amsterdam)

Submit your abstract

Register now

With the program coming together in the coming weeks, the pre-events starting end of September you can now register and not miss any of these interesting events. All pre-meeting sessions will be recorded and shown during the iMNC2020.

Register 1 ticket for a single price and attend all meetings or a selection. You can join the matchmaking and send in your abstract for iMNC2020 on December 3 and 4. Meet with our exhibitors, and get updates from the field of micro- and nanotechnology.

Register now!

Read more about the conference at

Bent u een innovatieve start-up en klaar om op te schalen? Wilt u zakendoen, samenwerken of in contact komen met andere innovatieve bedrijven en investeerders? Neem dan namens Nederland deel aan Node by Slush. Zet uw bedrijf digitaal in de schijnwerpers op één van de grootste start-up- en tech-evenementen ter wereld.

Deze digitale versie van Slush vindt plaats van september tot begin december 2020.

Node by Slush 2020
Node by Slush is de digitale versie van Slush, het grootschalige evenement voor start-ups dat jaarlijks plaatsvindt in Helsinki. U maakt onderdeel uit van het digitale Nederlandse paviljoen waarin u uw eigen online ‘demo booth’ heeft. Deze demo booth biedt u verhoogde zichtbaarheid op het platform van Slush en is alleen beschikbaar voor deelnemers van nationale paviljoenen. Daarnaast zorgt Slush voor bezoekers aan de demo booths, onder andere door de inzet van een nieuwsbrief.

Meer informatie over dit digitale event vindt u op onze website.

Aanmelden: Meld u aan voor deelname. Let op: elke deelnemer moet zich apart inschrijven. De uiterste aanmelddatum is 8 september.

Er is ruimte voor maximaal 10 deelnemende start-ups aan het Nederlandse digitale paviljoen. Na de inschrijftermijn wordt besloten welke start-ups kunnen deelnemen.

Motiveert u daarom duidelijk waarom u wilt deelnemen en waarom u Nederland wilt vertegenwoordigen.

Kosten: Deelname kost € 100 exclusief btw per Nederlandse organisatie (maximaal 2 deelnemers). Inbegrepen is deelname aan de digitale voorbereidingsbijeenkomst en toegang tot het online platform van Node by Slush. Dit platform geeft toegang tot de verschillende virtuele programmaonderdelen, zoals mentorsessies, keynotes en de matchmakingtool. Ook de demo booth is bij de kosten inbegrepen.
Meer informatie: Kijk voor meer informatie over Node by Slush op de website van Slush.

Heeft u nog vragen over de Nederlandse deelname? Neem dan contact op met:
Annedien Zander
T: 06 1553 7728

On December 3 and 4 2020, the international MicroNanoConference 2020 will be organized as a virtual online conference. This conference provides a platform where micro technologies can find a way into the macro world. MinacNed welcomes everybody to join!

The International MicroNanoConference brings together science and industry to showcase how micro- and nanotechnology help addressing our societal challenges: Nano4Society. Like every year, we will focus on four sub-themes:

  • Health & Life science
  • Agro & Food
  • Sustainability & Energy
  • Manufacturing & Engineering

This year, a special focus session will be organized around this year’s fast innovations in Health and how a network of universities and tech companies can help with finding innovative solutions to future challenges. More information will be updated in the coming weeks on the iMNC2020 website.

Whether you work in science, in industry or in a SME, whether you are an end user or in any other way involved in microsystems & nanotechnology: come and join us in December!


Welcome to the SelectBIO 14th Annual Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics 2021 Conference to be held in-person on-site at the Marriott Coronado Island Resort & Spa. Bringing together researchers and industry participants from both academia and industry, this established congress now in its 14th consecutive year, will discuss the latest innovations and developments in the Lab-on-a-Chip (LOAC) and Microfluidics fields.

Presentations will explore the latest advances in the Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics Fields. Focus at this conference will also be given to some of the many applications of Lab-on-a-Chip, from life science research, to taking diagnostics to the point-of-care/point-of-need and body-on-a-chip/organs-on-a-chip. We focus on LOAC device production technologies, novel designs/technologies for manufacture, as well as the key application areas for LOAC from research to diagnostics as well as 3D-bioprinting and the convergence of microfluidics technologies with biofabrication and 3D-printing. There is an Extensive International Perspective at this Conference with Speakers, Poster Presenters, Sponsors, and Exhibitors from the US, Europe, and Asia/Pacific. Running alongside the conference will be an exhibition covering the latest technological advances and associated products and services from leading solution providers within this field from around the world.

Registered delegates will have full access to the co-located and concurrent tracks and sessions to mix-and-match presentations and maximize networking:
Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics: Emerging Themes, Technologies and Applications 2021
Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics: Techologies, Companies and Commercialization 2021
Point-of-Care Diagnostics & Biosensors 2021
3D-Culture, Organoids and Organs-on-Chips 2021
There is a co-located exhibition with companies from around the world exhibiting on-site in person at the conference.

Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination Required in Order to Participate On-Site at this Event. Participants Not Vaccinated for Covid-19 Can Participate Virtually at this Event.

More information and registration


Een sterke HighTech werkt voor Nederland!

Het Holland High Tech Najaarsevenement is dit jaar geen fysiek evenement, maar een online evenement over meerdere dagen.

We beginnen op vrijdag 30 oktober om 10.30 uur met een tafelgesprek onder leiding van gastheer Marc Hendrikse en gespreksleider Roderik van Grieken.

Tafelgasten zijn o.a.:

  • Michiel Sweers, Directeur Innovatie & Kennis bij Ministerie EZK
  • Ronny van ’t Oever, directeur Micronit en oprichter van initiatief Stichting Viralert.

Na 30 oktober worden er op diverse dagen verschillende (online) sessies gepland.