
KIEM HighTech

KIEM HighTech aims to conduct practical research…

NGF: Future-proof hightech equipment

To stimulate the development of a new generation…

Perspectief round 2020/2021

Perspectief round 2020/2021 is opened as of 20 July. The call for proposals is available (in Dutch). Register your programme iniatitive via this form. Generally speaking, the same conditions apply as for the previous round, but there are several changes, including: Cash co-funding is not compulsory in the 2020/2021 round (a […]

Dutch Research Agenda – Research along routes by Consortia 2020/21 (NWA-ORC 2020/21)

Consortia that are interdisciplinary and cover the full breadth of the knowledge chain are invited to submit research proposals that express the broad and innovative character of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). Proposals should fall within one or more NWA routes and address one or more of the 140 cluster […]

Nationale voorselectie European Digital Innovation Hubs

Heeft u ideeën over het versnellen van effectieve en functionele inzet van nieuwe digitale technieken in het bedrijfsleven en de publieke sector in Europa? Sluit dan met uw consortium aan bij het netwerk van European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH’s). Met het opzetten van een netwerk van EDHI’s wil de Europese […]