MinacNed event: Nanotechnology for better food packaging
MinacNed member event on Nano4AgriFood
Food packaging is an essential component in our current supply chain. It allows to keep our food fresh, reduces damage and contamination, simplifies shipping and allows the display of information and advertisement. It is difficult to imagine a world without it. Yet the durability of plastic is also its major drawback, since it is accumulating on land and in the ocean. In the discussion with Prof. Albert Schenning and Ivanna Colijn we want to address these issues and talk about how nano technology can help to design biodegradable plastic packaging suitable for food applications and how the incorporation of sensors can further extend the shelf life of food products and trace product origin.
We will have 2 invited speakers in this session:
Albert Schenning, Eindhoven University of Technology
Dr. A.P.H.J. Schenning is professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests center on functional organic materials. Schenning received his PhD degree at the University of Nijmegen in 1996 on supramolecular architectures based on porphyrin and receptor molecules with dr. M.C. Feiters and prof. dr. R.J.M. Nolte. Between June and December 1996, he was a post-doctoral fellow in the group of prof. dr. E.W. Meijer at Eindhoven, University of Technology working on dendrimers. In 1997, he joined the group of prof. dr. F. Diederich at the ETH in Zurich, where he investigated -conjugated oligomers and polymers based on triacetylenes. From 1998 until 2002, he was a Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW) fellow at Eindhoven University of Technology (Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry) active in the field of supramolecular organization of -conjugated polymers. He received the European Young Investigators Award from the European Heads of Research Councils and the European Science Foundation in 2004, the golden medal of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society in 2005 and a Vici grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in 2007.
Ivanna Colijn, PhD student at Wageningen University
In what way can bionanofillers help transform our current plastic industry into a circular economy? This is the question that Ivanna Colijn, PhD canditate at Wageningen University, tries to answer. Today, bioplastics are rarely used for food packaging, mainly because their properties are not sufficient to protect the food product inside. The addition of nanoparticles can alter material properties, amongst others its thermal and mechanical behavior. However, making and designing nanocomposites is far from trivial, yet there is a whole world of possibilites to explore.
Throughout her BSc and MSc Food Technology studies at Wageningen University, Ivanna Colijn discovered a passion for colloidal systems on nano and micro scale. After following the minor BioNanoTechnology she focussed on colloidal stability of food emulsions and encapsulated food gels during her BSc and MSc thesis. During her Internship at the Reserach Centre of Nestlé in Lausanne, she focced on in vivo in-mouth bio-colloidal interactions. Afterwards she came back to Wageningen University to continue do her PhD on bionanocomposites.
The program for May 20
14:55 Room open to enter
15:00 Opening MinacNed Nanotechnology for better food packaging
15:05 Albert Schenning, Eindhoven University of Technology
15:30 Ivanna Colijn, Wageningen University
15:55 Room for discussion
16:15 Closing
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