About TMC

TMC is an engineering deployment company. We have invented the Employeneurship model.

TMC stands for The Member Company. Our engineers are our company. Over 2000 engineers work at the projects at our customers. We call ourselves “employeneurs”.

  • Our employeneurs are positive and happy. They have a permanent contract.
  • Development of our employeneurs is key. Next to a development budget everyone has a personal coach.
  • We are transparent. Everyone has a cost-price overview. The employeneurs receive a % of the margins they create for TMC.
  • TMC is divided into businesses, directed to the engineering field, region and country. We are international, with head office in Eindhoven, and four offices in the Netherlands and 14 countries.
  • In the TMC Entrepreneurial Lab our employeneurs can work voluntarily in teams on society relevant topics, and sometimes it results in a spin-out.

Do you want to know more about Employeneurship? Please, visit our site for more information.