Micro(system) technology is technology that focuses on products and processes at submillimetre, micrometre scale. Formally speaking, this definition includes microelectronics, but in view of the huge scope and early development of that domain, the term micro(system) technology is usually used in the main for products and processes relating to movements on the micro scale other than electronic ones. In particular, it pertains to electromechanical movement, MEMS, fluid currents, lab-on-a-chip and microfluidics, light, light-on-a-chip, photonics and living organisms, biochips.
Nanotechnology is technology concerned with particles measuring nanometres (a billionth of a metre). In terms of size, this is a scale just above that of atoms (0.060 nm to 0.275 nm) and simple molecules. A criterion is that a structure in at least one dimension must not exceed 100 nanometres in size. Nanotechnology distinguishes itself from nanoscience in the sense that nanotechnology is focussed on working with small particles and that nanoscience allows itself to be defined as all science engaged in research at the nano scale.
MinacNed is the association of companies and institutes creating economic added value in the Netherlands based on joint activities among members and with relevant stakeholders in the field of microsystem and nanotechnology.
MinacNed aims to develop itself to become the organisation that covers and reinforces the entire value chain of microsystem and nanotechnology in order to make its applications increase exponentially.
The association’s ambition is to provide room for all new subsectors within the field of microsystem and nanotechnology within the association, including its scientific base and its areas of application. In addition to this, MinacNed aspires to a representative circle of affiliated members regarding the scope of the association.
Within its vision, MinacNed sets itself the aim of having the Netherlands participate at international level in all fields of enabling microsystem technology and nanotechnology and become and remain an international leader in a number of more precisely defined specialisms, such as microfluidics. MinacNed aims to effect an exponential increase in the applications of microsystem and nanotechnology in the Netherlands.
In terms of members, MinacNed’s scope has been defined by the value chain of suppliers of micro and nano equipment through research institutes, research firms, suppliers of components and systems to users of micro and nanotechnology in products and processes. In the future new specialisms can develop within this value chain, within the scope of MinacNed.
In terms of stakeholders, MinacNed’s scope extends to neighbouring industries within FHI, industrial electronics, industrial automation, laboratory technology and medical technology. In accordance with its ‘enabling technology’ nature, MinacNed is most related to the industrial electronics industry, with which a formal connection exists through the bureau of FHI, federation of technology branches.
MinacNed’s strategy entails working along three lines:
Collective marketing and market development
by developing spearheads and specific clusters
Protection of interests
by combining internal strength and collaborating with related parties and umbrella organisations such as the FHI
Organisational development
to reinforce the association’s foundations for continued existence and to increase both the clout and the service to members. Regarding the more extensive industry service to member companies, MinacNed intends to join FHI in such a way that as many MinacNed members as possible are also a member of one of the FHI branches, thereby covering their need for such service. From this point of departure, MinacNed can always fall back on the FHI’s bureau system for specific service for members of a group of members.