With this online matchmaking platform we bring together various parties from science, industry, professional practice and legislation that want to contribute to the acceptance and implementation of existing animal-free models for safety assessment.

The goal is to jointly develop scientific and practice-oriented research proposals and concrete adaptation measures, with a focus on the acceptance, usability and implementation of existing animal-free models. We strive for broad consortia in which researchers and other stakeholders from various domains work together intensively.

We organize this matchmaking within the framework of the NWA program Safety assessment via animal-free models.


The online meeting on October 28 offers a varied and interactive program for exchanging ideas for projects and making new contacts. The program in outline (see also Agenda):

  • 09:00-09:25 Welcome and Introduction NWA-call
  • 09:25-09:50 Invited Speaker – TBA
  • 09:50-10:10 Break-out sessions
  • 10:10-10:25 Short break and 1:1 meetings
  • 10:25-10:50 Pitches
  • 10:50-11:05 Introduction Impact Plan Approach
  • 11:05-11:20 Short break and 1:1 meetings
  • 11:20-11:50 Break-out sessions
  • 11:50-12.30 End of meeting

After registration, you will have access to the online sessions via Agenda.

You can schedule the 1-on-1 conversations immediately after registration (go to How it works for instructions)

Platform: oppurtunities for new collaborations

To facilitate matchmaking as optimally as possible, we offer a matchmaking platform in addition to this event. After registering you will gain access to this platform, which offers you various options for seeking expertise and forming new collaborations with parties from various sectors. See How it works for further information.

With this platform we hope to contribute to the creation of new networks, which will not only have added value for this NWA program, but also for other initiatives or future programs. The platform will exist at least until the deadline for submission of summary applications (November 12, 2021).

Information about the call

For more information about the call for proposals, please visit NWA call.

Aging, type 2 diabetes, shortage of healthcare personnel; our society is facing major challenges that require more knowledge and groundbreaking innovations. This offers opportunities for scientists, companies and public parties. NWO is responding to this by investing more than €100 million annually through various subsidy instruments in research in which public and private parties work together.

The role of SME’s

In order to achieve social and economic impact, the participation of SMEs is necessary and is therefore an important partner in research in all instruments. By sharing knowledge and collaborating on innovations, research results can be translated into solutions for society. For research that is financed within the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC), NWO applies incentives to involve SME’s more. NWO has opened 2 new instruments. om het MKB beter te betrekken.

About the instruments from NWO

  1. In ‘Question for Partners’, a public and/or private partner develops a research program in partnership with NWO around a specific knowledge and/or development question. The partner is a co-funder (min. €1.5 million in cash) in the program and NWO will double this amount. This instrument is therefore particularly suitable for (a combination of) public and/or private parties that want to initiate a thematic research program of a considerable size.
  2. In ‘Question for Consortia’ a consortium of knowledge institutes, public and private parties contribute to a research proprosal to find answer to a self-chosen knowledge or development question.

The financial NWO contribution to these instruments is available for fundamental and practice-oriented research, carried out by scientists in collaboration with companies. The degree of co-financing by private parties for these instruments is set at 50%, and at least 30% of the total size of the partnership.

More information about these and other research programmes can be found here www.nwo.nl/kic.

Source: HollandBio news

To emphasise the importance of high tech innovation to societal themes and missions more clearly and to stimulate research and collaboration, the Topsector HTSM will organise the annual HitMat Call. This is a funding opportunity to inspire consortia to come up with excellent high tech solutions in Public Private partnership programs. 

From Cybersecurity to circular building

Topics covered in the research proposals include cybersecurity by design, ultrasonic brain modulation, optimization of traffic flow in the city, extraction of nitrogen compounds from animal manure and eco-efficient and circular construction.

HiTMaT Call 2021

The third HiTMaT Call has opened. The HiTMaT is a competition between the best R&D proposals for high-tech PPP that offer solutions for the social themes and missions of the Netherlands. In 2020, 60 research proposals were submitted, 15 of which were nominated and 10 projects ultimately won € 25,000 in germ funding. Who has the best ideas this year?

Project proposals can be submitted from April 7 through the HitMat Call 2021 website *. The deadline for submitting applications is May 18, 2021, 14:00 CEST.

* Proposals submitted by email will not be accepted.

Download the brochure HitMat Call 2021 here (PDF)

Webinar: Do’s & Dont’s

In this webinar Frans van der Wel, PPP employee Holland High Tech, explains the rules of the game surrounding this call. He discusses who can submit proposals, what proposals must comply with, what the themes entail and more. In this webinar you will receive tips on how to write a project proposal in such a way that you maximize the chance of winning.

Thursday April 20, 2021
10:00 – 12:00 AM
Via Microsoft Teams

During the Webinar there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and respond to the other participants. You can submit questions in advance via HiTMaT@hollandhightech.nl.

Register now for the webinar

HiTMat 2019 and 2020

After a cautious start in 2019, we received no fewer than 60 project proposals by 2020 from scientists from industry and research organizations. Five expert committees selected 15 proposals as finalists for the 2020 edition. On Wednesday 7 October 2020, the 15 finalists presented their research proposal. The 10 prize winners were announced during the Autumn Event on October 30, 2020. These winners will receive an amount of € 25,000 in seed money for a public-private partnership project in which their high-tech research innovation is linked to one of the 5 social themes (Health and care, Climate and Circular Economy, Security, Mobility, Agriculture, Water and Food).

Read more about the HiTMat call 2021 (Dutch)

The Seed Capital scheme, which RVO implements on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK), has existed for 15 years. Thanks to the scheme, the Dutch venture capital market has expanded enormously since 2005 and access to venture capital for start-ups has improved significantly. 87 Seed Capital funds have already been set up to provide 472 start-ups with venture capital. In total, more than € 414 million was invested, of which around € 203 million came from the government.

Thanks to these investments, good results have been achieved over the past 15 years. To commemorate its 15th anniversary, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) publishes the anniversary book “Innovative Netherlands in bloom – 15 years of Seed Capital 2005 – 2020”.

It contains interviews with a number of fund managers, in which some examples of success of participations pass in review. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK), the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and some advisory committee members also give their views on the scheme. Finally, the results of the past 15 years are clearly presented at the back. You can download the publication here (Dutch PDF).

Further development

The Seed Capital scheme has been further developed in recent years. For example, since the end of 2016 it has been possible to open sector-specific tenders that tie in with important economic and social themes such as sustainability, agri-horti-food and e-health. The separate e-health tender from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) is a good example of this.

In addition, a separate section was opened in 2017 especially for couples of business angels: the Seed Business Angel scheme. Through this scheme, business angels deliver ‘smart money’ to start-ups in the very early stages of life by supporting them with their knowledge, network and experience.

New sectors

The Seed Capital advisory committee looks back with pride on the past 15 years and sees that the scheme is still desperately needed. Initially, mainly funds were set up with a focus on IT and life sciences. In recent years, more and more new funds have been added that focus on food, social impact and clean tech, for example. Chairman of the advisory committee Michel van Bremen therefore sees the Seed Capital scheme as a kind of icebreaker for new sectors: “Every time a new sector arises, the Seed Capital scheme attracts investors to it. Without the support of the Seed Capital scheme, they would not have dared to invest. After all, new segments are risky. ”


The Dutch health market benefits from e-health innovations due to the increasing demand for care. In order to attract more risk capital in this sector, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport sought cooperation with EZK. In 2017, this resulted in the opening of a separate e-health tender within the Seed Capital scheme. NextGen Ventures is one of the Seed Capital funds that was established thanks to this tender and that helps e-health start-ups in their development. According to fund manager Matthijs Blokhuis, the Seed Capital scheme makes NextGen Ventures easier and attracts more investors: “The fact that we meet the requirements for Seed Capital inspires confidence among investors. That makes it more attractive for me as a fund manager to invest early in start-ups in a risky market. ”

Over Seed Capital

The Seed Capital-scheme is aimd at innovative techno- and creative startups  who need access to risk capital investment. Since January 1, 2021 a new rond of the Seed Capital-regeling is open and investors can apply for funding to establish a new Seed Capital fund.

Are you an entrepreneur? You can apply direct to the Seed Capital investment funds. Check the complete alfabetical overview of funds (in Dutch) or the overview per sector.

Consortia including research institutes and public and private organisations can submit project proposals for fundamental or application-oriented research on innovative and groundbreaking technologies within 8 clusters of key technologies:

  • Nanotechnologies
  • Chemical Technologies
  • Digital Technologies
  • Engineering and Fabrication Technologies
  • Photonics and Light Technologies
  • Advanced Materials
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Life science technologies


The call Key Technologies calls for the development of initiatives over the full width of the KIA Key Technologies. Thus she strenghtens the technology base in the Netherlands and enables topsectors to solve societal challenges adequately. The outcome of the research is broadly applicable en has a large impact on science and/or society.

Who can apply?

Pre-proposals and full proposals are submitted by the main applicant and one or more co-applicants. Besides the main and co-applicant (s), a consortium always consists of two or more co-funders. In addition, other private and / or public organisations can participate in the consortium as collaborating partners. All participants must play an active role in the formulation of the research questions and the design and realisation of the project.
More information about specific conditions regarding who can apply can be found in section 3.1 of the call for proposals.

What to apply for?

A budget of 11 million euros is available for this call for proposals. Funding can be requested for research proposals with a total budget of at least 750,000 euros and at most 2,500,000 euros. NWO will fund a maximum of 70% of the total project budget; the rest of the funding must be contributed by co-funding. Co-funding may be provided in-cash or in-kind, but at least half of the amount must be in-cash. At least 50% of the total co-funding must be from private sources. More information about the conditions for co-funding can be found in section 3.5.2 of the call for proposals.

For this call the following modules can be applied for:

  • Personnel costs
  • Material costs
  • Investments
  • Knowledge utilisation
  • Internationalisation
  • Money follows Cooperation
  • Project management

The maximum duration of a project is six years.

When to apply

  • The deadline for the submission of appropriateness statement is November 10, 2020, 14:00:00 CET. The result of the review process of the appropriateness statement will be communicated by NWO no later than December 23th.
  • The deadline for the submission of preproposals is January 19, 2021, 14:00:00 CET.
  • The deadline for the submission of proposals is May 18, 2021, 14:00:00 CEST.

Read more at NWO KIC