Qblox is an extremely fast growing company in the QuantumDelta ecosystem. Last Wednesday, COO Eric Kievit hosted MinacNed and High Tech NL members in Qblox’s brand new and impressive location.

Eric showed the importance of innovation ecosystems. Nico Hendricks, founder of QuTech’s most recent spin-off Groove, presented trends and needs in Quantum Computing, with specific attention to the importance of the supply chain. Marike Boertien gave a short update on the recent developments in the QuantumDelta program, where industrialisation is increasingly important. Urs Staufer gave his insights on the quantum related knowledge needed to participate in the quantum supply chain. Hint: in the QTIndu project, tailor made solutions for professionals in industrial settings are being developed and can be tested.

This was the first visit to one of five Quantum Delta hubs, tailored to the needs of high tech and/or supply chain partners. Are you curious and do you want to join next time? Do contact Marike Boertien.

Invest-NL is participating for €5 million in a €10 million investment round for Delft IMP. The other investor is Norwegian Sandwater.

The financial injection will be used to further scale up Delft IMP’s nanocoating technology. This makes more sustainable batteries and other sustainable applications possible.

Delft IMP (“Intensified Material Production”) is a spin-off of TU Delft and has unique expertise in developing ultra-thin coatings on powders and has patented technology to produce these materials at scale. The ultra-thin nano-coatings protect the material powders in the battery and thus improve its service life.

With this application technology, Delft IMP is able to control the process to optimize the film thickness and reduce the use of scarce raw materials, such as cobalt. Sustainable use of raw materials is their trademark, as the technology applied to powders has a much wider range of applications. For example, they are also an important player in the development of innovative electrolysers and fuel cell technologies.

CEO Dr. Roderik Colen: “With this investment we can contribute to reducing the use of scarce raw materials. We apply ultra-thin coatings to powder material and enable production at scale with a unique technology from TU Delft.”

“Invest-NL invests in companies that make the Netherlands more sustainable and innovative,” says Wouter van Westenbrugge, Senior Investment Manager at Invest-NL, “Delft IMP’s advanced application technology can significantly accelerate the energy transition and also significantly reduce CO2 emissions. emissions from battery production.”

Source: InvestNL press release

MASER Engineering, the technologically-leading failure and reliability testing center in Europe, and Eurofins Scientific, an international, renowned laboratory group, have entered into an
agreement whereby Eurofins Scientific will acquire the shares of MASER Engineering BV. Current executive management will also participate via a minority shareholding.

MASER and Eurofins share a similar philosophy and complement each other perfectly.Together the two companies have big ambitions to grow the European market specifically in the semiconductor and electronic systems industry. The new ownership will also open up additional opportunities for MASER in the international market, particularly within the Eurofins Materials & Engineering Sciences Business line.

“We are very pleased that, a strong partner has been found who is technically innovative, sustainable and growth-oriented,” explain Hans Kemper and Kees Revenberg, founders and former owners of MASER Engineering. The Dutch operations of MASER will remain in place to continue to serve customers with the best service. MASER’s trademarks of flexibility, delivery reliability and consistent responsiveness to customer needs will be further strengthened. The existing customer and supplier relationships will be continued and intensified.

Thijs Kempers, CEO of MASER, will ensure a smooth continuation of MASER after the acquisition and will continue in his role as CEO. “I am committed to creating continuity for both our customers and our employees and to opening up positive development opportunities for MASER’s employees. Our expansion plans are in progress and I am very confident about MASER’s future.”

About MASER Engineering BV

MASER Engineering was founded in Enschede in 1993 and is an accredited independent engineering testing center with a broad and in-depth range of services. The company is a leader in the fields of reliability testing and failure analysis. The company headquarters are in the ‘Knowledge campus Twente’ (kennispark Twente) in Enschede with a total of 56 employees.

About Eurofins Scientific

With annual sales of over 5 billion euros, 55,000 employees and a network of over 900 independent companies in 50 countries, Eurofins Scientific is a leading international laboratory group, with a unique range of analytical and service capabilities for the pharmaceutical, food, environmental and consumer goods industries. As an accredited and internationally recognized testing laboratory network, Eurofins performs independent testing of technical equipment and components. It also provides conformity assessment solutions for national, European and international market access.

Source: MASER Engineering

In 2021 and 2022, MinacNed will host pre-events leading up to the international MicroNanoConference 2022. The symposia are live events in The Netherlands, offering an interesting program with speakers from industry and science, with an opportunity for networking.

The Nano4Society themes will be taken from the international MicroNanoConference. The MinacNed team aims to organize both (deep) tech events and also more high over themes like IP, HR and symposia on collaboration.

Micro Nano Symposium: From Science to Market: Biomedical Production Technology

On November 23, a Micro Nano Symposium will be organised around the 2021 Groeifonds application. The consortium of partners from science and industry responsible for the Growth Fund application (Groeifonds 2021) will celebrate the submission of their application, specifically the focus theme Biomedical Production Technology under the NXTGen High Tech program.

From Science to Market: Biomedical Production Technology
Biomedical production technology fails to keep pace with innovations in the biomedical domain. The (academic) knowledge in the Netherlands is at a very high level in the field of Lab-on-Chip, Organ-on-Chip, Artificial Organs and Cell production technology, but is not (properly) converted into products. The main reason for this is that a multidisciplinary chain is required of suppliers of high-quality specific components in both the technological and biological field. Although the required parties are present in the Netherlands, their production equipment and processes are not yet compatible with each other. These major challenges cannot be solved by a few parties, but a large collaboration is needed to be able to design and functionally qualify products from the existing developed building blocks (e.g., sensors, chips, biomaterials) in order to subsequently achieve upscaling and the growing (world) market.

MinacNed, hDMT, MESA+ and Nano4Society organize a pre-event of the international MicroNano Conference 2022 to address this topic and will present steps that are currently being taken to establish an ecosystem with a unique and first-of-its-kind production chain in the Netherlands.

We look forward to seeing you here. Registration is open, you will find the program and invited speakers on the event page. Read more and register today!

The event is  a live event in Enschede, at location The Gallery.

Partners in event: MinacNed, Nano4Society, hDMT and MESA+ Twente University

The international MicroNanoConference is the MinacNed conference for and by members. We are organizing this conference together with a group of members from both industry and science. These enthusiastic volunteers bring their own background and network to set up a program for the iMNC21.

From surveys we have taken after past iMNC events we have learned that participants see great value in the networking opportunities at the iMNC. An online platform offers fewer networking opportunities, therefore the organization has focused on an event in the Jaarbeurs, Utrecht.

With that in mind, this year’s iMNC21 location had been reserved, an international group of speakers had been invited and a fantastic program was set up that addresses both technical themes and more societal themes. However, for a successful event we not only need a well-organized and substantive program, but above all we also need the commitment and support of participants and exhibitors.

In these times of great uncertainty due to the Covid-19 measures, it turns out to be extremely difficult to get sufficient certainty in time to organize a conference with a large (international) participation.

As a result, we saw two risks arising. There was a risk (due to insufficient participants and sponsors) that the costs would be higher than the income. There was an equally great risk for participants and for exhibitors who invest in an event that would not offer sufficient networking opportunities to achieve the objectives. As MinacNed and the entire team organizing the iMNC21, we must avoid these risks. That is why the MinacNed board has unfortunately had to decide to cancel the iMNC21 conference this year.

The board of MinacNed would like to thank all members, OC and PC committee members and all those involved who have already committed themselves to the preparations for their contributions and also apologize because these preparations will unfortunately not lead to the iMNC21.

The team is currently working out whether the lecture program that has been put together for iMNC21 can be presented in a different way. This could be organized either in small local events or online. It is not yet clear in what form and on what dates these events will take place. We will keep you informed.

iMNC21 cancelled – explantation from MinacNed board (pdf)

Engineering high-quality microparticles to create disruptive solutions that improve life quality: that’s what our team at IamFluidics is passionate about. We have a strong focus on technological innovations in microfluidics and materials for different markets, such as pharma and drug delivery.

A feasibility grant from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) enabled us to start a proof of concept study. This proof of concept is a start to develop our capabilities in the pharmaceutical market. The project aims at the development of controlled-release systems based on PLGA (Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid). This PLGA polymer is the golden standard in long-acting release products in the pharmaceutical market. IamFluidics’ high-quality microencapsulation processes are a perfect match for tuning the injectability and release properties of microparticles with controlling their exact size, shape, and surface area.

Want to know more about the markets we focus our researches and developments on? Make sure you read more about SenSpherePluriLife and ApiBead and reach out if you want to experience the benefits first-hand. Look out for our latest articles on our social media and website for the latest developments concerning this proof of concept.

Source: IamFluidics news

As we are returning from summer holidays and planning for the second half of 2021, the iMNC21 team looks forward to greet more exhibitors who will present on December 2 and 3, 2021 in Utrecht.

The scientific program has a nice balance between speakers from industry and science on various topic ranging from Nano4Health in diagnostics, Nano4AgriFood to miniaturization and manufacturing in nanotechnology amongst the themes.

Business floor opportunities

Next to the keynote and invited speakers in the conference program, themes, there is room for networking and discussion on the business floor where participants can check demonstrations and meet with technical teams from the sponsors over a cup of coffee.

A pitch session for exhibitors will give all attendees a quick overview of who is presenting at iMNC21 and will make it easier to find the right connection for your next project.

Startup corner

At the iMNC21 we welcome startup companies who will receive a discount price, to make sure that all companies have the opportunity to present at iMNC21. Join Alex Kostenko from Photosynthetic, the Pitch Award winner of the iMNC2020 at the conference this year.

iMNC21 exhibitor benefits

As an exhibitor, you will also have a prominent place on the iMNC21 event website and in the matchmaking program from B2Match. Visibility and expanding your network are important goals that we help our exhibitors to achieve in the months leading up to the conference and at the event.

Will your company join companies like JEOL, Lionix International, MASER Engineering and Bronkhorst at the conference in December? Sign up for your booth today, to make sure you have a spot.

Read more about the exhibitor opportunities here or  download the sponsor brochure direct (pdf).

The first MinacNed members have registered as an exhibitor for the international MicroNanoConference 2021 on December 2-3, 2021.

iMNC21 theme
From science to market – scale-up in nanotech

First sponsors include Bronkhorst High-Tech, a leading company in the field low flow fluidics handling technology. Also Lionix International BV, a leading global provider of customized microsystem solutions in scalable production volumes. And earlier we announced Maser Engineering BV, an independent engineering service company that offers Reliability Test and Failure Analysis Services to the semiconductor and electronic systems industry.

Also this year a start-up corner with PhotoSynthetic, with CEO Alexander Kostenko who won the Best Company PItch Award at the online iMNC2020. and part of the start-up corner is PhotoSynthetic. Photosynthetic is developing a 3D lithography technology allowing to 3D print objects with feature sizes of less than a micron and print speeds of 1-10mm3 / minute.

Are you considering to join the iMNC21 as an exhibitor, then here is what the International MicroNanoConference 2021 offers you:

  • Excellent program with speakers from industry and academia
  • Company exhibitor booths
  • Exhibitor pitches
  • Poster presentations and poster pitches
  • Networking opportunities (B2Match)
  • Informal networking during the evening program with conference dinner
  • 2018 and 2019: up to 400 national and international attendees

Read more about exhibitor opportunties and download the flyer at www.micronanoconference.org/exhibitor-info-imnc21/

Read more about MinacNed members and sponsors:

Bronkhorst High-Tech
Lionix International BV
Maser Engineering BV

The ‘Groeifonds’ proposal NXTGEN HIGHTECH is selected to be worked out in detail to be submitted in October 2021. The Netherlands is an international leader when it comes to ultra-precision high-tech equipment and aims to exploit this expertise in NXTGEN HIGHTECH for production of Organs-on-Chips, among others. In total, 28 projects were selected from 244 initial submissions.

The ‘Topsector HTSM’ has, in close collaboration with knowledge institutes, governments, industry and other topsectors, initiated this widely supported programme (budget € ~1.5 billion) to develop the next generation High Tech Equipment for these industries. One of the six domains of NXTGEN HIGHTECH is ‘Biomedical Production Technologies’ and is being coordinated by Berend van Meer on behalf of hDMT. This domain aims at large scale production of Labs-on-Chips, Organs-on-Chips, Artificial Organs and Cell Production Equipment, in which industrial standardisation and qualification are indispensable.

In case the project will be funded, hDMT partners will be involved closely in the further elaboration and setup of the next steps. For more information about NXTGEN HIGHTECH see https://www.hollandhightech.nl/nxtgen-hightech and about the National ‘Groeifonds’ see https://www.nationaalgroeifonds.nl/.

Source: hDMT

The program for the international MicroNanoConference 2021 is well underway with speakers from academia and industry. On December 2 and 3, 2021 we look forward to meeting you on location in Utrecht, at the Jaarbeurs.

This year’s main theme is: From science to market – scale-up in nanotech

With these sub sessions, that you will find in the program:

  • Nano4Health & Life Sciences
  • Nano4Agri& Food
  • Scale-up in nanotechnology
  • Miniturization in nanotechnology
  • Manufacturing in nanotechnology
  • Life after PhD

Tickets are now available at an early bird rate and it is now also possible to submit an abstract for either a poster or oral presentation at the conference. Read more about the program, tickets and abstract submission on the iMNC21 website.

For companies who would like to both support the micro- nano community and also showcase their company to this community, sponsor and exhibitor opportunities will be published soon.

Read more: micronanoconference.org