Aging, type 2 diabetes, shortage of healthcare personnel; our society is facing major challenges that require more knowledge and groundbreaking innovations. This offers opportunities for scientists, companies and public parties. NWO is responding to this by investing more than €100 million annually through various subsidy instruments in research in which public and private parties work together.

The role of SME’s

In order to achieve social and economic impact, the participation of SMEs is necessary and is therefore an important partner in research in all instruments. By sharing knowledge and collaborating on innovations, research results can be translated into solutions for society. For research that is financed within the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC), NWO applies incentives to involve SME’s more. NWO has opened 2 new instruments. om het MKB beter te betrekken.

About the instruments from NWO

  1. In ‘Question for Partners’, a public and/or private partner develops a research program in partnership with NWO around a specific knowledge and/or development question. The partner is a co-funder (min. €1.5 million in cash) in the program and NWO will double this amount. This instrument is therefore particularly suitable for (a combination of) public and/or private parties that want to initiate a thematic research program of a considerable size.
  2. In ‘Question for Consortia’ a consortium of knowledge institutes, public and private parties contribute to a research proprosal to find answer to a self-chosen knowledge or development question.

The financial NWO contribution to these instruments is available for fundamental and practice-oriented research, carried out by scientists in collaboration with companies. The degree of co-financing by private parties for these instruments is set at 50%, and at least 30% of the total size of the partnership.

More information about these and other research programmes can be found here

Source: HollandBio news

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 24th 2021 – Nikon Europe B.V. has announced that it is to open its first Nikon BioImaging Lab (NBIL) in Europe. Building on the success of the NBIL in Cambridge Massachusetts (USA) and the recently opened NBIL in the Shonan iPark, Fujisawa City (Japan), Nikon has chosen to base the European NBIL in the prestigious Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), the largest life sciences cluster in the Netherlands.

Dr. Volodymyr Nechyporuk-Zloy, NBIL manager, commented“We are really excited to be about to launch the new NBIL in one of the top five most successful life sciences parks in Europe. Our message to the many life science and healthcare businesses in the area – we are coming and want to support your technology. NBIL-Leiden will offer cutting-edge, full imaging service solutions as well as the services of expert biologists and microscopists, who are available to provide quality cell culture, sample preparation, data acquisition and data analysis services. NBIL-Leiden is here to provide you with expert imaging support – on demand.”

Director of Stichting Leiden Bio Science Park, Ida Haisma, welcomes Nikon Europe to the LBSP, “We are very pleased that Nikon has chosen the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) for its Nikon BioImaging Lab. We believe that the shared services that Nikon offers through this facility will be very beneficial to the attractiveness of the LBSP. It will also boost the LBSP’s transformation into an Innovation District! In addition the NBIL will fulfil a long-standing wish from many start-up and medium sized companies as well as researchers at the different institutes located at the LBSP.”

NBIL-Leiden will provide private companies and academic institutes with a unique opportunity to use the latest microscope technology, develop core skills in a wide range of sample preparation and microscopy imaging experiments, as well as increasing their networking opportunities through similar communities across Europe. Support will include Nikon’s market-leading systems for confocal, super-resolution microscopy and high content imaging. Furthermore, the advanced image analysis service on powerful workstations with data storage and management systems will be provided.

Nikon Europe B.V. is grateful for the assistance of InnovationQuarter, the regional economic development agency for the Province of Zuid-Holland, which assisted us in finding the right location and helped coordinate communication to develop the partnership with the Leiden Bio Science Park.

Engineering high-quality microparticles to create disruptive solutions that improve life quality: that’s what our team at IamFluidics is passionate about. We have a strong focus on technological innovations in microfluidics and materials for different markets, such as pharma and drug delivery.

A feasibility grant from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) enabled us to start a proof of concept study. This proof of concept is a start to develop our capabilities in the pharmaceutical market. The project aims at the development of controlled-release systems based on PLGA (Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid). This PLGA polymer is the golden standard in long-acting release products in the pharmaceutical market. IamFluidics’ high-quality microencapsulation processes are a perfect match for tuning the injectability and release properties of microparticles with controlling their exact size, shape, and surface area.

Want to know more about the markets we focus our researches and developments on? Make sure you read more about SenSpherePluriLife and ApiBead and reach out if you want to experience the benefits first-hand. Look out for our latest articles on our social media and website for the latest developments concerning this proof of concept.

Source: IamFluidics news

As we are returning from summer holidays and planning for the second half of 2021, the iMNC21 team looks forward to greet more exhibitors who will present on December 2 and 3, 2021 in Utrecht.

The scientific program has a nice balance between speakers from industry and science on various topic ranging from Nano4Health in diagnostics, Nano4AgriFood to miniaturization and manufacturing in nanotechnology amongst the themes.

Business floor opportunities

Next to the keynote and invited speakers in the conference program, themes, there is room for networking and discussion on the business floor where participants can check demonstrations and meet with technical teams from the sponsors over a cup of coffee.

A pitch session for exhibitors will give all attendees a quick overview of who is presenting at iMNC21 and will make it easier to find the right connection for your next project.

Startup corner

At the iMNC21 we welcome startup companies who will receive a discount price, to make sure that all companies have the opportunity to present at iMNC21. Join Alex Kostenko from Photosynthetic, the Pitch Award winner of the iMNC2020 at the conference this year.

iMNC21 exhibitor benefits

As an exhibitor, you will also have a prominent place on the iMNC21 event website and in the matchmaking program from B2Match. Visibility and expanding your network are important goals that we help our exhibitors to achieve in the months leading up to the conference and at the event.

Will your company join companies like JEOL, Lionix International, MASER Engineering and Bronkhorst at the conference in December? Sign up for your booth today, to make sure you have a spot.

Read more about the exhibitor opportunities here or  download the sponsor brochure direct (pdf).

QuiX Quantum, the worldwide market leader in quantum photonic processors, has delivered a 12-mode quantum photonic processor to Germany, for a collaboration with researchers from Paderborn University.  This photonic processor is the most powerful in the world.

Quantum photonic processors are the central component of photonic quantum computers, holding great promises in performing certain computations faster than current supercomputers. Machine learning, chemistry and finance are believed to be revolutionized by such quantum technology.

QuiX Quantum lead engineer Caterina Taballione says: “This collaboration confirms the continuing interest in our products from the major players in the international quantum photonics landscape. Paderborn University is at the forefront of integrated optics, and we look forward to the results of this collaboration.”

The announcement comes on the heels of the announcement of a sale to Qontrol, a British quantum technologies startup, and a sale to Quandela, the leading French quantum technologies firm. Prof Christine Silberhorn, head of the Integrated Quantum Optics group and spokeswoman of the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), says: “We have chosen QuiX because of the high quality, turnkey linear optical circuit as used for demonstrating quantum advantage in boson sampling experiments, that only QuiX can deliver.

QUIX | – Vrijdag 22 januari 2021 | © Verkijk

Germany has recently published its ‘Roadmap Quantencomputing’, which sketches the required steps on the way towards a working quantum computer. As a result, the German government announced a 2 billion Euro funding initiative for the development of quantum technologies in general and quantum computers in particular.

The success that QuiX Quantum’ products are having highlights the dominant position of photonics in the quantum computing landscape in the Netherlands, being the only able to provide turn-key quantum solutions.

From left to right: Ton van ‘t Noordende (Investor in Residence, Quantum Delta NL), Matthijs Rijlaarsdam (QuantWare). Alessandro Bruno (QuantWare), Freeke Heijman (director Quantum Delta NL). Photos by Rebekka Mell, in the DiCarlo Lab (QuTech).

Quantum Delta NL announces the launch of a two million euro micro fund called ‘LightSpeed Fund 1’. The fund will focus on supporting early stage quantum startups. Delft-based startup and participant in the LightSpeed program, QuantWare, is the first startup to receive funding.

The fund is part of Quantum Delta NL’s strategic roadmap to increase the number of successful quantum startups in the Netherlands. Currently, there are seven quantum startups in the Netherlands, and Quantum Delta NL is on a mission to see this number increase to 100 by 2027. These companies are considered to become of great value to the Dutch economy.

In pursuit of this goal, last month Quantum Delta NL launched its new initiative, LightSpeed. Lightspeed is a program connecting Dutch quantum startups in all phases, where the startups receive tailored assistance and guidance to scale up their businesses and optimize their attractiveness to top-tier investors. Specifically for the initiative, efforts were made to approach and bring in European and American funds with a wealth of experience to support startups. Lightspeed aims to create optimal conditions to build sustainable and future-proof startups.


Following today’s launch of the micro fund, managed by LightSpeed, Quantum Delta NL awards pre-seed tickets amounting to 50,000 euros each to early-stage startups in the field of quantum technology. LightSpeed adapted a modern instrument that is straightforward, founder-friendly and fills the gap in the earliest stage for quantum technology startups: the SAFE note (Simple Agreement for Future Equity). This approach gives startups the maximum flexibility needed in the earliest stages, particularly in the quantum technology space as development timelines and road to profitability extend far beyond that of classic startups. The investment does not have to be repaid, as with a traditional  convertible loan or note, if a startup fails to advance.

Quantum Delta NL’s Investor in Residence Ton van ‘t Noordende clarifies: “The Netherlands has a top position globally if we look at the number of quantum technology startups. This is unfortunately not the case on the capital side as there is virtually no professional venture capital available for early stage quantum startups. Our goal with Lightspeed is to enable founders to get the best possible start of their company.”

Quantum Delta NL has currently allocated two million euros for the pre-seed tickets and intends to award 5 to 15 tickets in fiscal year 2021/2022 and 35 to 40 tickets over the total period. The budget will be increased once Phase 1 of the National Growth Fund Program is underway.


QuantWare, a spinout of QuTech and part of the Quantum Delft ecosystem which develops high-performance quantum processors, is the first startup to tap into the microfund as part of a larger investment round. This makes it the second success story in the LightSpeed program. LightSpeed has also supported and guided the Delft-based startup QphoX in their fundraising round, which raised two million euros in funding with the help of the LightSpeed team to bring its Quantum Modem to the market.


Startups and building a business ecosystem are key pillars of the Quantum Delta NL-program that heard it will receive  615 million euros from the National Growth Fund in April. Among other things, the program fuels the further development of the first European quantum computer and a quantum internet, openly accessible to end users in business and social sectors, including education. McKinsey calculated that in the medium term, the program will raise the gross domestic product by 5 to 7 billion euros and create 30,000 high-quality jobs in the Netherlands.

Freeke Heijman, director Quantum Delta NL: “We want the knowledge from the scientific labs to lead to new businesses in the Netherlands and Europe. With LightSpeed and this fund, promising initiatives will get an unprecedented acceleration to scale up their idea to a startup or scale-up.”

Ton van ‘t Noordende, Investor in Residence Quantum Delta NL: “We see the micro fund as a logical extension of LightSpeed. Promising and early stage initiatives only need a small injection of capital to hit the ground running. This is proven by QuantWare which, relying on our investment and on Lightspeed’s guidance, has raised immediate market capital even before launching their company.”

Alessandro Bruno, Director of Engineering at QuantWare: “The support from this fund and LightSpeed will allow us to bring our quantum processors to market. In doing so, we are making quantum accessible to more parties. In this way, we can make a crucial contribution that allows the Dutch quantum ecosystem to build on its current lead.”

Original press release here

22 July 2021 – QuiX Quantum reports the realization of the largest Universal Quantum Photonic Processor in a scientific paper published today.

In a scientific paper published in Materials for Quantum Technology today, QuiX Quantum demonstrates the world’s largest universal quantum photonic processor, which shows excellent performance for quantum information processing and computing applications. With this work, QuiX Quantum demonstrates the first commercially available, turn-key processor for photonic quantum computing.

The results reported in the paper highlight the unique expertise of QuiX Quantum in combining photonic and quantum systems engineering, and the market-readiness of the technological solution. QuiX’ expertise and technology can provide solutions for the entire spectrum of quantum applications.

Photonic processors are a crucial component for photonic quantum computing, which promise great impact in the fields of machine learning, quantum chemistry and cryptography. The universal quantum photonic processor reported in the paper is embedded in a plug-and-play control system operated by QuiX’ dedicated control software.

QuiX Quantum’s CTO Jelmer Renema says: “With this work we have demonstrated not only a leading position in the commercial landscape of photonics quantum computing, but also in the technological development of quantum photonic engineering.”

QuiX Quantum is a company based in Enschede, the Netherlands, that realizes quantum technology solutions based on the proprietary silicon nitride waveguide technology TriPleX that enables the realization of large-scale integrated photonic circuits with low loss. The maturity of the waveguide technology allows for achieving full reconfigurability and all-to-all connectivity of the elements of the photonic processor that can be thus defined as universal.

Photo credit: Daniël Verkijk

Source: Quix News

The first MinacNed members have registered as an exhibitor for the international MicroNanoConference 2021 on December 2-3, 2021.

iMNC21 theme
From science to market – scale-up in nanotech

First sponsors include Bronkhorst High-Tech, a leading company in the field low flow fluidics handling technology. Also Lionix International BV, a leading global provider of customized microsystem solutions in scalable production volumes. And earlier we announced Maser Engineering BV, an independent engineering service company that offers Reliability Test and Failure Analysis Services to the semiconductor and electronic systems industry.

Also this year a start-up corner with PhotoSynthetic, with CEO Alexander Kostenko who won the Best Company PItch Award at the online iMNC2020. and part of the start-up corner is PhotoSynthetic. Photosynthetic is developing a 3D lithography technology allowing to 3D print objects with feature sizes of less than a micron and print speeds of 1-10mm3 / minute.

Are you considering to join the iMNC21 as an exhibitor, then here is what the International MicroNanoConference 2021 offers you:

  • Excellent program with speakers from industry and academia
  • Company exhibitor booths
  • Exhibitor pitches
  • Poster presentations and poster pitches
  • Networking opportunities (B2Match)
  • Informal networking during the evening program with conference dinner
  • 2018 and 2019: up to 400 national and international attendees

Read more about exhibitor opportunties and download the flyer at

Read more about MinacNed members and sponsors:

Bronkhorst High-Tech
Lionix International BV
Maser Engineering BV

The ‘Groeifonds’ proposal NXTGEN HIGHTECH is selected to be worked out in detail to be submitted in October 2021. The Netherlands is an international leader when it comes to ultra-precision high-tech equipment and aims to exploit this expertise in NXTGEN HIGHTECH for production of Organs-on-Chips, among others. In total, 28 projects were selected from 244 initial submissions.

The ‘Topsector HTSM’ has, in close collaboration with knowledge institutes, governments, industry and other topsectors, initiated this widely supported programme (budget € ~1.5 billion) to develop the next generation High Tech Equipment for these industries. One of the six domains of NXTGEN HIGHTECH is ‘Biomedical Production Technologies’ and is being coordinated by Berend van Meer on behalf of hDMT. This domain aims at large scale production of Labs-on-Chips, Organs-on-Chips, Artificial Organs and Cell Production Equipment, in which industrial standardisation and qualification are indispensable.

In case the project will be funded, hDMT partners will be involved closely in the further elaboration and setup of the next steps. For more information about NXTGEN HIGHTECH see and about the National ‘Groeifonds’ see

Source: hDMT

Several MedTech initiatives from Twente have been awarded REACT-EU funding. The millions in subsidies will give the relevant companies and researchers in Twente an enormous boost, demonstrate the potential of MedTech in the region and strengthen Kennispark Twente as a MedTech hotspot.

Green light for MedTech Factory

In the MedTech Factory, start-up and fast-growing companies in medical technology will soon have access to high-quality and affordable microbiology labs. They can rent flexible space at the MedTech Factory until they are large enough to have their own building. The concept can be realised by initiators Novel-T and Kennispark Twente with the 3.1 million EFRO subsidy and the contribution already allocated from the RegioDeal via TwenteBoard.

Together with its regional partners, Novel-T recently presented its ambition to give the MedTech cluster in Twente a solid boost in the coming years. In September 2020, Jaap Beernink (CEO of Novel-T) and Eddy van Hijum (member of the Provincial Executive of Overijssel) presented an investment agenda on behalf of the regional cluster to State Secretary Mona Keijzer. On this agenda, affordable lab facilities were high on the priority list.

Anne-Wil Lucas, Area Director of Kennispark: “This grant is fantastic news for the region and Kennispark Twente. Without these subsidies, such facilities would never get off the ground, while they are essential for the continued growth of companies. This will ensure that we can retain Twente’s MedTech companies and attract companies from outside Twente.”

Consortia of knowledge institutes and Twente MedTech companies

In addition to the MedTech Factory, the other REACT-EU awards include various consortia of Twente MedTech companies and the University of Twente. These are collaborations that aim to use medical technology to contribute to an improved and affordable healthcare sector. These projects demonstrate the innovative capacity and power of cooperation within the regional cluster.

Innovations for the treatment of dementia and improved detection of breast cancer

For example, over 1.5 million euros was awarded to the ‘reMIND’ initiative, in which Demcon, Micronit and Locsens are consortium partners. Within reMIND, the parties bring together four different technologies to better treat dementia.

A second consortium, consisting of PA Imaging, Hemabo and the University of Twente in collaboration with Radboud UMC, will receive up to EUR 2.6 million for bringing photo-acoustic mammography to the patient.

A third example is the consortium formed around LioniX International, which includes Bronkhorst High-Tech, SurfiX, Qurin Diagnostics and PHIX. Together they are working on the SensorChip aimed at developing various types of gas, liquid and biosensors. They will receive over EUR 2.5 million for this project.

Finally, the Enschede-based company ILT Fineworks is involved in the industrialisation of the ELENA Heart Technology, for which a maximum of 1.7 million euros has been granted.

Jaap Beernink, CEO of Novel-T: “The award of these REACT-EU grants for both specific innovation projects and for strengthening the facilities in the ecosystem are of great importance for the development of the rapidly growing MedTech cluster in Twente. Innovative growth companies are the driving force behind this. For the region, the impact of these companies is particularly large, both from a social and economic perspective.”

About MedTechTwente

MedTech Twente is the innovation hub where medical technology is accelerating. For the past 15 years, the business community and healthcare institutions have been working closely together with researchers from the knowledge institutions to develop innovations for tomorrow’s healthcare. Innovations are developed, validated and implemented in close cooperation between parties, facilitated and accelerated by supporting organisations such as Novel-T, OostNL, VitaalTwente, HIP, WTC and HealthValley. It is therefore not without reason that successful MedTech companies such as Demcon, Medspray, Micronit, Lipocoat and IAMFluidics were founded and have grown in Twente.


The European Union is working with its recovery programme EU Next Generation on a fast, green, digital and resilient recovery of the regional economy. Under the name REACT-EU, 47.5 million euros – of which 5.9 million euros government co-financing – has been made available for the East Netherlands in 2021. This amount will be awarded to projects that have successfully submitted an application by 1 April. These projects must be completed by the end of 2023 so that the regional economy can recover as quickly as possible. The extra money has therefore been made available through the existing EFRO programme OP East 2014-2020. In OP Oost, the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel work together to stimulate smart, sustainable and future-oriented projects at companies in the East Netherlands.

Source news: Kennispark Twente