MinacNed offers a new service to all members: to share your job opportunity on the MinacNed ‘Job opening’ page’. This page has recently gone live, to share your job opportunities on the website, twitter and MinacNed LinkedIn page.
If you have a job opening in your organization, please send an email to Aurélie Veltema, project manager at MinacNed.
What do we need for a job opening page:
- Your vacancy text, preferably in Word doc, and not in a PDF format as we use a text only set-up
- Your contact information
- The link to the job opening on your own webpage
- Media such a picture or video you would like to present on the vacancy page
Your vacancy page will be published and you will receive a link via email. The page will stay live on the website for 3 weeks. If you need to continue the vacancy, please send an email.Once a job has been filled, we can remove the application page.
MinacNed is not responsible for the jobs that are published and the team does not forward CV’s to members of MinacNed.
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