Ook volgende generaties moeten kunnen wonen in een Nederland met goede zorg, goed onderwijs, een leefbare omgeving én zij moeten genoeg geld overhouden om zelf te kunnen besteden. In het geval van een toekomstige economische dip, is het belangrijk om die klappen op te kunnen vangen zónder directe bezuinigingen. Daarvoor is economische groei nodig. Het kabinet trekt de komende vijf jaar in totaal 20 miljard euro uit voor investeringen die daaraan gaan bijdragen. Dit geld, ondergebracht in het Nationaal Groeifonds, gaat naar kennisontwikkeling, fysieke infrastructuur, en onderzoek, ontwikkeling & innovatie.

De ministerraad is akkoord met het voorstel hiervoor van ministers Wiebes (Economische Zaken en Klimaat) en Hoekstra (Financiën). Het Nationaal Groeifonds is bedoeld voor eenmalige publieke investeringen, niet voor terugkerende overheidsuitgaven. Het fonds krijgt een eigen begroting en een onafhankelijke commissie beoordeelt de voorstellen. De Tweede Kamer moet instemmen met de verdeling van geld over de drie investeringsterreinen kennisontwikkeling, fysieke infrastructuur, en onderzoek, ontwikkeling & innovatie.

Economie moet harder en anders groeien

De economische gevolgen van het coronavirus maken nog eens extra duidelijk dat welvaart en economische groei niet vanzelfsprekend zijn. Het onderstreept hoe belangrijk het is om in goede tijden buffers op te bouwen zodat er in slechte tijden kan worden geïnvesteerd in plaats van bezuinigd. Daar komen nog andere uitdagingen bij, zoals de vergrijzing, klimaatverandering en een lagere groei van de productiviteit. Om de welvaart de komende 20 tot 30 jaar te behouden en te vergroten, moet de economie harder en anders groeien. Dat is nodig om in de toekomst gezondheidszorg, onderwijs en pensioenen te kunnen betalen en daarnaast geld over te houden voor de huishoudportemonnee.

Werking groeifonds

Ondernemers, (mkb-)bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en andere partijen krijgen een belangrijke rol bij het aandragen van investeringsvoorstellen. Het ministerie dat over een specifiek onderwerp gaat, dient een voorstel vervolgens formeel in. Een investeringsvoorstel heeft een minimumomvang van 30 miljoen euro, er geldt geen maximumomvang per project.

Er zijn op korte termijn al kansen voor investeringen die helpen om in de toekomst de welvaart en het verdienvermogen te vergroten. Daarom wil het kabinet nog deze kabinetsperiode besluiten over enkele projecten die hieraan bijdragen. Omwille van de tijd is er voor deze eerste ronde geen brede uitvraag voor projecten gedaan, maar is gekozen voor het indienen van voorstellen waarvoor al goed uitgewerkte plannen liggen.

Voor een objectief en politiek onafhankelijk oordeel over de ingediende investeringsvoorstellen stelt het kabinet een onafhankelijke commissie in. Geld wordt pas beschikbaar gesteld na een positief advies van deze commissie en een besluit van het kabinet. Bij de jaarlijkse ‘Staat van de Economie’ maken de ministers van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en Financiën de investeringsplannen voortaan bekend.

Bekijk de persconferentie van maandag 7 september hier via Youtube 
Lees meer over het Groeifonds en de mogelijkheden voor indiening.

Source: Rijksoverheid nieuws
Image credit: Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Researchers from NWO recognized university institutions and innovative starters can apply for funding for a feasibility study or early phase project at a starting company. Take-off stimulates activity from the knowledge institutions.

Entrepreneurial researchers who wish to find out whether their innovative research results has commercial potential can apply for a Take-off phase 1: feasibility study grant. This grant is aimed at stimulating and supporting new start-ups using university knowledge. The grant comprises 40.000 euros, to be used within 6 months. The Take-off programme is aimed at stimulating and supporting business and entrepreneurship from (applied) sciences. .

For more information please see the Dutch version of this funding instrument.

Read more and download the application forms here.

NWO is making 11 million euros available for research in which public and private parties collaborate on technological breakthroughs. Key technologies are technologies of the “future” that will have a huge impact on the way we live, learn, work and produce. They are technologies that discard our ideas about what we consider possible and potentially lead to breakthrough innovations.

Technological breakthroughs

The Key Technologies call is aimed at financing fundamental and application-oriented scientific research into technological breakthroughs to create economic opportunities for the Netherlands and contribute to solving societal challenges.

Key technologies create new business and markets, increase competitiveness and boost job growth. They enable groundbreaking process, product and / or service innovations and are relevant for science, society and the market. Key technologies are characterized by their wide applicability and reach: deployment is possible in various sectors and / or innovations.

From the perspective of the potential contribution of technology to societal challenges in the Netherlands, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has designated the following clusters of key technologies:

  • Chemical Technologies
  • Digital Technologies
  • Engineering and Fabrication Technologies
  • Photonics and Light Technologies
  • Advanced Materials
  • Quantum Technologies
  • Life science technologies
  • Nanotechnologies



Pre-proposals and complete applications are submitted by a main applicant and one or more co-applicants. An application is drawn up by a consortium, in which other participants are involved in addition to the applicants.


In this round, funding can be requested for research proposals with a total size of a minimum of € 750,000 and a maximum of € 2,500,000. NWO funds a maximum of 70% of the total project size; the rest of the funding is provided through compulsory co-funding.


The deadline for applying for the statement of suitability is November 10, 2020, 14:00:00 CET.
The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is January 19, 2021, 14:00:00 CET.
The deadline for submitting applications is May 18, 2021, 14:00:00 CEST.


This program falls within the main line MISSION of the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC) 2020-2023, in which NWO publishes a limited number of major thematic calls each year.

More information about this call for proposals, budget and deadlines can be found on the funding page of this call.

Original news item NWO website.

Perspectief round 2020/2021 is opened as of 20 July. The call for proposals is available (in Dutch). Register your programme iniatitive via this form.

Generally speaking, the same conditions apply as for the previous round, but there are several changes, including:

  • Cash co-funding is not compulsory in the 2020/2021 round (a measure due to the coronavirus crisis). The total co-funding required is still 30%;
  • The co-funding percentage for TO2 institutions has been reduced from 50% to 30%. With that, the co-funding percentage required for TO2 research is the same as that for other applicants;
  • A researcher may only submit one programme design or programme proposal per Perspectief round as the main applicant, and may be involved in a maximum of two applications or proposals.

The most important dates are:

  • Deadline for registering programme initiative on website (phase 1): Thursday 22 October, 14.00 CEST (use this form for registration)
  • Deadline for submitting programme proposal (phase 2): Tuesday 15 December 2020, 14.00 CET (by email to ttw-perspectief@nwo.nl)
  • Deadline for application of the programme proposal (phase 3): Tuesday 15 June 2021, 14.00 CEST (by email to ttw-perspectief@nwo.nl)

The (online) information meeting will take place on Monday 7 September (15h -17h). Please register for the meeting via ttw-perspectief@nwo.nl. More information about the conditions, changes and deadlines can be read in the call for proposals.

> Register your programme initiative

> Funding page Perspectief round 2020/2021

Consortia that are interdisciplinary and cover the full breadth of the knowledge chain are invited to submit research proposals that express the broad and innovative character of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). Proposals should fall within one or more NWA routes and address one or more of the 140 cluster questions. The starting point for this is the Portfolio for Research and Innovation.


The aim of the NWA-ORC 2020/21 call for proposals is to encourage research and innovation focused on the portfolio of 25 routes and the 140 corresponding cluster questions in the NWA. This research will be set up and carried out by interdisciplinary consortia that will include representatives from the full breadth of the knowledge chain as well as relevant societal partners, including industry. The added value of the consortium will be evidenced by the joint approach to the research, with the individual strengths and expertise of each participant demonstrably reinforcing those of the others. Which knowledge partners are involved and which societal partners are relevant will depend on the objectives of the project.

Who can apply

Proposals should be submitted by a consortium in which the various types of research in the knowledge chain (fundamental, applied and practice-oriented) must be represented. There are four categories of participant within a consortium:

  • Main applicant;
  • Co-applicant(s);
  • Co-funder(s)
  • Cooperating partner(s) (optional)

The main applicant submits the application on behalf of the consortium. More information about the four categories of participants as well as specific requirements regarding who can apply, can be found in paragraph 3.1 of the call for proposals.

What to apply for

In this round, proposals can be submitted in the following budget ranges:

  • 500,000 – ≤ 2,000,000 euros;
  • > 2,000,000 – ≤ 5,000,000 euros;
  • > 5,000,000 – ≤ 10,000,000 euros.

The budget range is determined by the funding requested from NWO. The budget is built up using the NWO-wide standardised building blocks, the so-called modules. Seven modules are available in this call:

  • Personnel costs;
  • Material costs;
  • Investments;
  • Knowledge utilisation;
  • Internationalisation;
  • Money follows Collaboration;
  • Programme management.

Extensive information about the modules can be found in annex 6.2 of the call for proposals.


Co-funding is obligatory in each proposal. The participating co-funders should jointly contribute at least 10% of the total project budget in the form of co-funding, either in-cash or in-kind.   The conditions regarding co-funding can be found in paragraph 3.5 of the call for proposals.

When to apply

The NWA-ORC 2020/21 funding round has three phases and therefore has three deadlines.

  • The deadline for online submission of an initiative via the NWO-website is on 1 October 2020 at 14:00:00 CEST.

Submitting an initiative is required to be able to submit a pre-proposal. After submission of the initiative, the main applicant – or another participant in the consortium – has to take part in a matchmaking event of the indicated primary NWA-route.

  • The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is on 14 January 2021 at 14:00:00 CET. A pre-proposal may only be submitted if an initiative has previously been submitted.
  • The deadline for submission of full proposals is on 24 June 2021 at 14:00:00 CEST. A full proposal may only be submitted if a pre-proposal has previously been submitted.

Read more about this call and the documents needed on the NWO website.

Heeft u ideeën over het versnellen van effectieve en functionele inzet van nieuwe digitale technieken in het bedrijfsleven en de publieke sector in Europa? Sluit dan met uw consortium aan bij het netwerk van European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH’s).

Met het opzetten van een netwerk van EDHI’s wil de Europese Commissie (EC) naar brede regionale ondersteuning voor het versnellen van digitalisering. Een EDIH is hét regionale aanspreekpunt voor vragen en uitdagingen rondom digitalisering. Een EDIH ondersteunt bedrijven in hun digitale transformatie en doet dit zonder winstoogmerk. Deze ondersteuning kan bestaan uit onder andere het bieden van testruimte, initiëren van netwerkactiviteiten, trainen en opleiden van (potentiële) medewerkers, ondersteunen bij digitale transformatie en toegang tot financiering mogelijk maken.

In deze oproep vragen we potentiële Nederlandse EDIH’s een voorstel in te dienen, zodat het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) een selectie van EDIH kandidaten kan voordragen aan de Europese Unie (EU). De EU zal alleen de door de lidstaten voorgedragen EDIH’s uitnodigen om een uitgebreid voorstel in te dienen.

Digital Europe programma

Binnen het Digital Europe programma wil de EC met deze EDIH’s regionaal de digitalisering bij het mkb, middelgrote ondernemingen en de publieke instanties stimuleren door aan te sluiten op de behoeftes in de desbetreffende regio’s. Digitalisering speelt namelijk een belangrijke rol bij het versterken van het verdienvermogen van bedrijven en efficiënter functioneren van de publieke sector.

Voor wie?

Deze oproep is voor regionale consortia en andere samenwerkingsverbanden die het brede palet aan digitaliseringsdiensten kunnen aanbieden.


Uw voorstel bestaat in ieder geval uit:

  • een beschrijving van de huidige/toekomstige bijdragen aan de inzet van moderne digitale toepassingen en transitie. Houd hierbij rekening met domeinkennis en de regionale behoeften.
  • een toelichting hoe uw voorstel aansluit op het nationale en regionale beleid, zoals de Nederlandse Digitaliseringsstrategie en de implementatieagenda Smart Industry.
  • een beschrijving hoe u de effectiviteit en impact van een EDIH omzet in tastbare doelen zoals:
    • de verscheidenheid aan diensten die geleverd kunnen worden;
    • het aantal verschillende bedrijven dat gebruik maakt van de hub diensten;
    • het aantal samenwerkingen met andere hubs en stakeholders buiten de directe regio; en
    • bijvoorbeeld de hoeveelheid aangetrokken (gezamenlijke) investeringen.

Indienen voorstel

Dien uw uitgewerkte voorstel uiterlijk 28 september 2020 in bij de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), bij voorkeur per e-mail: EDIH@rvo.nl. Per post indienen is ook mogelijk: Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL Den Haag; Postbus 93144, 2509 AC Den Haag.
U krijgt de mogelijkheid om eerst uw conceptvoorstel te bespreken met het ministerie van EZK, het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken (BZK) en RVO. Uw concept moet dan uiterlijk 24 augustus bij ons binnen zijn. De besprekingen vinden in de week van 31 augustus 2020 plaats. U ontvangt daarvoor een uitnodiging van ons.

Voor het indienen van een voorstel moet u gebruik maken van het format Proposal EDIH (Engelstalig). U mag uw voorstel in het Nederlands indienen, maar onze voorkeur gaat uit naar het Engels. Het vervolgtraject verloopt namelijk ook in het Engels.

Proces na indiening

Voordat uw voorstel naar deEC gaat, beoordelen wij deze op de volgende criteria:

  • Inhoudelijke aspecten
  • Organisatorische aspecten
  • Regionale aspecten
  • Financiële aspecten

Lees meer over de beoordelingscriteria.

Wij selecteren maximaal 10 EDIH’s voor de Nederlandse deelname. Hiervan is minimaal 1 EDIH publiek, met een maximum van 2. Van deze 10 selecteren wij minimaal 4 en maximaal 8 private EDIH’s. Geselecteerde voorstellen leggen wij medio november 2020 voor aan de EC. Is uw voorstel geselecteerd? Dan kunt u een uitnodiging van de EC ontvangen om deel te nemen aan de EU-brede competitie voor financiering van EDIH’s.


Op 15 juli 2020, van 13:30 – 15.30 uur, vindt een webinar plaats. Het conceptprogramma is als volgt:

  • Introductie: toelichting op Europese Digitaliseringsstrategie
  • EU context: rol van EDIH’s in Europese Digitaliseringsstrategie – Anne Marie Sassen (Europese Commissie)
  • Nederlandse context en voorwaarden: aansluiting op nationale digitaliseringsstrategieën – Marieke van Putten (BZK)
  • Indienen voorstel en proces: uitleg over opzet van voorstel en proces van Nederlandse selectie – Casper Langerak (RVO)
  • Discussie
Meld u aan voor het webinar via het online aanmeldformulier.

Meer weten?

To respond to the urgency and ambition of the European Green Deal objectives, Horizon 2020 will support additional Green Deal related research and innovation with a call worth close to €1 billion.

What the call aims to do

The Green Deal call will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving nobody behind’. Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for the Green Deal main priorities.

This is why the call will support:

  • pilot applications, demonstration projects and innovative products
  • innovation for better governance of the green and digital transition
  • social and value chain innovation

In addition to technological development and demonstration, the call encourages experimentation and social innovation for new ways to engage civil society and empower citizens.

In relation to the current pandemic, the call will contribute to the green and digital recovery and to increasing societal resilience for example in agriculture, biodiversity acceleration of renewables, clean transport and modernisation towards a clean and circular industry.

How is the call structured?

The call contains 11 areas

Eight thematic areas reflecting the key work streams of the European Green Deal. In each area, one or more topics addresses the challenges outlined in the respective stream. Topics target specific, high-impact technological and societal innovations that can help advance the sustainable transition relatively quickly.

Three horizontal areas (strengthening knowledge; empowering citizens; and international cooperation) that cut across the eight thematic areas and offer a longer-term perspective in achieving the transformations set out in the European Green Deal.

Stakeholder survey results

A stakeholder feedback survey on the call areas ran from 19 May to 3 June. Thank you to all who took part. We received almost 6000 survey responses and 500 documents were uploaded.

You will find the survey results on each of the call area pages below. Updated topic texts will be added to the pages as they develop.

Call area 1: Increasing climate ambition: cross-sectoral challenges

Call area 2: Clean, affordable and secure energy

Call area 3: Industry for a clean and circular economy

Call area 4: Energy and resource-efficient buildings

Call area 5: Sustainable and smart mobility

Call area 6: Farm to Fork

Call area 7: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services

Call area 8: Zero-pollution, toxic-free environment

Call area 9: Strengthening our knowledge in support of the European Green Deal

Call area 10: Empowering citizens for transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe

Call area 11: Accelerating the clean energy transition and access in partnership with Africa

Disclaimer: The presentation of draft topics and the feedback provided shall in under no circumstances bind the European Commission in the final formulation of topics for the call. The binding call text will be published following the formal decision by the European Commission on the Funding and tender opportunities portal


Fighting climate change and making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is one of the main priorities of the European Commission. In support of this priority, the Commission is reinforcing Green Deal-related research and innovation with this dedicated call for proposals under the current research and innovation programme – Horizon 2020. Additional research and innovation initiatives will be funded under the next EU research and innovation programme – Horizon Europe.

On Friday 10 July NWO will publish the third funding round of the NWA research programme ‘Research along Routes by Consortia (ORC)’. The aim of the NWA-ORC 2020/21 is to stimulate research and innovation aimed at the portfolio of the 25 routes and the associated 140 cluster questions in the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA).

In the NWA-ORC, researchers collaborate with each other and with civil society organisations. The entire knowledge chain is represented. The added value of the consortium must arise from the joint approach to research, while the individual strengths and expertise of the participants demonstrably reinforce each other.

Because of the corona measures, the NWA-ORC 2020 round has been considerably delayed. For this reason, NWO is not organising a separate round for 2021. NWO will use the budget of the 2021 round to increase the funding for this round, of 2020/21, and that of 2021/22. As a consequence, for the 2020/21 funding round 132.3 million euros is available. This budget is higher than in previous years. The (fourth) round 2021/22 is expected to start in autumn 2021.

Important dates

  • The deadline for submitting initiatives is 1 October 2020;
  • The deadline for submitting pre-proposals is 14 January 2021;
  • The deadline for submission of full proposals is 24 June 2021;
  • NWO expects the awards to be announced in early 2022.

On 3 September 2020, NWO will organise a webinar on the NWA-ORC 2020/21. In this webinar, researchers, companies and civil society organisations can learn more about the ORC’s objectives and working method. Further information will follow via the NWO website and the NWO newsletter.

How to submit?

Submitting an application starts with the submission of an initiative. That does not have to be a detailed plan with a budget and commitments from participants. An overall idea by one individual researcher is sufficient. Main applicants of knowledge organisations submit such an initiative. NWO informs the knowledge organisations about the initiatives submitted by their organisation.

This initiative phase is important in order to promote consortium formation and to offer organisations the possibility to connect to an already existing initiative. NWO will publish the submitted initiatives online in October 2020 and will organise a matchmaking meeting with each NWA route at the end of October/early November 2020. Main applicants of initiatives (or someone replacing them) are then obliged to participate in the matchmaking meeting of the NWA route that is most relevant to their idea. If the initiative is not represented at such a meeting, a pre-proposal cannot be submitted.


The pre-proposal should be connected to an initiative  submitted earlier and must relate to one or more NWA routes and address one or more of the 140 cluster questions. It is not necessary for the consortium to submit letters of support and a budget at this stage, this in order to facilitate the process. An indication of the bandwidth and, if possible, an estimate of the amount to be applied for suffice at this stage.

The assessment committee will be divided into clusters of matching routes. NWO determines the available budget per bandwidth in proportion to the cumulative requested budget of the complete applications being assessed per bandwidth. NWO aims for a similar success rate for all three bandwidths.

Productive interactions and knowledge utilisation

The added value of the cooperation in the projects lies in the diversity and complementarity in (technical) skills and expertise of individual consortium partners. These ‘productive interactions’ increase the chance of social and scientific breakthroughs. In order to do justice to the different expectations in the field of societal breakthroughs, or impact, in the breadth of the NWA agenda, NWO uses two approaches to knowledge utilisation in this call for proposals: the Impact Plan approach (achieving societal breakthroughs), and the Impact Outlook approach (acquiring more knowledge and sharing that knowledge). Which approach applies to an application depends on the nature of the addressed cluster question(s). NWO expects the Impact Plan approach to be appropriate for most routes and cluster questions.

More information

Source: NWO news

In 2019 zijn binnen de jaarlijkse call van High Tech Systemen & Materialen (HTSM) 22 projecten gehonoreerd. Om ervoor te zorgen dat deze onderzoeken leiden tot maatschappelijk verantwoorde innovaties biedt NWO – met een HTSM MVI top-up call – de mogelijkheid om een aantal projecten te integreren met MVI-onderzoek. De call for proposals was vanwege Covid-19 gepauzeerd maar staat nu tot 27 augustus 2020 14:00:00 (CET) weer open voor indiening. Het totaalbudget van deze call bedraagt 500.000 euro.

Projectleiders van een aantal gehonoreerde HTSM 2019 aanvragen hebben het voornemen een aanvraag in te dienen in het kader van de HTSM MVI top-up call. Zij zijn op zoek naar alfa- en gammawetenschappers om met hen samen te werken voor het formuleren van een subsidieaanvraag. Het betreft onderzoek naar bijvoorbeeld voetgangersmanagement, sterkte en slijtvastheid van coatings, nieuwe 3D-geprinte materialen en een baanbrekende technologie die de MRI-scantijd verkort wat zich vertaalt in kostenverlaging terwijl de patiëntervaring wordt verbeterd.

Een korte samenvatting van hun gehonoreerde HTSM-projecten en contactgegevens vindt u op de MVI-website. Neem een kijkje op deze pagina voor meer informatie en wanneer u daar interesse voor heeft, kunt u met de desbetreffende projectleider contact leggen. De deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen is 27 augustus 2020 14:00:00 (CET).

Hand die grijpt naar rij met tandwielen


Vanwege een geconstateerde inconsistentie in de call for proposals en de gestelde voorwaarden voor indiening is een herzieningsbesluit genomen.
De call is op twee punten aangepast:

  1. deelname aan de informatiebijeenkomst van 22 januari is vervallen als voorwaarde voor het indienen van een aanvraag
  2. opgenomen is dat alle HTSM 2019 projectleiders, die niet in staat waren om de informatiebijeenkomst bij te wonen, de mogelijkheid hebben om contact op te nemen met het TTW of SGW programmabureau om hun interesse voor de MVI top-up en hun wens om een aanvraag in te dienen, te bespreken.

Over MVI

NWO-MVI onderzoek richt zich op belangrijke maatschappelijke uitdagingen en de innovaties die daarvoor nodig zijn. Het brengt de maatschappelijke aspecten van deze (technologische) innovaties vroegtijdig in kaart, zodat hiermee in het ontwerp- en ontwikkelingsproces rekening kan worden gehouden. Het doel van NWO-MVI onderzoek is om innovaties tot stand te brengen die maatschappelijk aanvaardbaar zijn. De speerpunten van de NWO-MVI benadering zijn:

  • Proactief ontwerp- en ontwikkelingsperspectief
    Maatschappelijke aspecten en de potentiële impact op stakeholders worden van meet af aan betrokken in het proces van een innovatie. Bijvoorbeeld juridische, ethische / filosofische, economische, sociologische en (gedrags-) psychologische aspecten.
  • Multidisciplinariteiten geïntegreerde benadering
    Maatschappelijke uitdagingen zijn altijd multidisciplinair. In het onderzoek wordt alfa-, bèta- en gamma- expertise geïntegreerd ingezet voor het realiseren van innovaties die niet alleen een probleem proberen op te lossen maar ook maatschappelijk aanvaardbaar of verantwoord zijn.
  • Maatschappelijke relevantie en valorisatie
    Stakeholders worden betrokken bij het onderzoek, met het oog op de toepasbaarheid en implementatie van de onderzoeksresultaten en hun kennis van de praktijk.

Meer informatie op het NWO-MVI portal


High Tech Systemen en Materialen is een van de negen Nederlandse topsectoren. Binnen HTSM zijn verschillende roadmaps gedefinieerd:  Advanced Instrumentation, Aeronautics, Automotive, Electronics, Embedded Systems, Healthcare, High Tech Materials, Lighting, Nanotechnology, Photonics, Printing, Security, Semiconductor Equipment, Smart Industry en Space. Daarnaast is er nog het cross-topsectorale thema ICT. Deze roadmaps en ICT vormen samen het Topconsortium Kennis en Innovatie (TKI) van HTSM en geven de richting aan waarin het vraaggestuurd onderzoek zich in de komende jaren zou moeten ontwikkelen. Het onderzoeksprogramma HTSM is erop gericht kennis te ontwikkelen voor technologische doorbraken en innovatieve toepassingen. Onderzoekers en bedrijven werken daarin nauw samen.

Bron: NWO nieuws

In July 2020, NWO will start seven programmes that fall within the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant 2020-2023. It concerns a range of subjects for which public and private parties will work together in an interdisciplinary manner with researchers on innovative solutions or societal problems, such as the energy transition, dementia and water management.

The mission-driven calls that will be published in July are one of the types of funding within the KIC. In addition to these calls, Partnerships, strategic collaboration forms and practice-oriented funding instruments will start in the autumn. NWO asks researchers and partners to get ready for these calls. Therefore please follow the developments via nwo.nl/en/kic, @NWOnieuws and LinkedIn!

Mission-driven research programmes

NWO will develop a limited number of large thematic calls throughout the year with a size of between 5 and 15 million euros, the so-called mission-driven programmes. The choice of subject has been determined on the basis of prioritised subjects (missions) taken from the Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIAs) published by the top sectors. Researchers can submit proposals for collaborative projects, with a budget of 750,000 to 4 million euros per proposal. For each call, a co-funding percentage will be set.

in July, NWO will start with the following programmes within the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant:

Key technologies

Key technologies is an umbrella term for technologies of the “future”. They cast to one side ideas about what was considered possible and have the potential to result in groundbreaking innovations. For example, artificial intelligence will change the way we work, and we will treat patients in new ways with nanomedicines. The call “Key Technologies” encourages:
1.    the development of scientifically excellent knowledge that results in relevant new technology for industry and society via a multidisciplinary approach;
2.    the building up of intensive and sustainable collaborative relationships within consortia between knowledge institutions, companies and civil society organisations;
3.    the creation of more focus on mass (coherency) in research into thematic areas and key technologies that are relevant for the Netherlands so that strong internationally distinct positions can be created in the industry and knowledge infrastructure of the Netherlands; and
4.    facilitating the valorisation of the developed knowledge by (end) users.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Intended deadline pre-proposals: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 11 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 750,000 euros – 2.5 million euros

Circularity for wind and sun

This programme is about more energy revenues due to lower costs of wind and solar energy. Possible ideas are research into new (circular) materials, innovative equipment, processes and designs for production installations. The themes efficiency and circularity are the focus of this call.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline pre-proposals: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 5 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 750,000 – 1.5 million euros


Innovation plays an important role in achieving the National Climate Agreement of the Netherlands because not all other solutions that are necessary for achieving the goals are available. Two important sectors in this regard are industry and agri-food. This programme will encourage interdisciplinary research to stimulate the transition to a circular carbon system. This covers the entire value chain: raw materials, production, the (re)use of semi-manufactured products, products and carbon in the waste phase. The participation of citizens and companies is vital for the success of the transition. Here the challenge lies in integrating societal and technical-scientific innovations across the entire chain.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline pre-proposals: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 5 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 750,000 – 1.5 million euros

Aquatic food production

In the coming years, a large proportion of the Dutch North Sea will change in terms of use and allocation. At the same time, the demand for sustainably produced food, especially protein, and biogenic raw materials will increase. This requires the linking of biological, maritime, economic and societal issues with respect to the development of knowledge about sustainable mariculture and agriculture in the North Sea and estuaries. For this, the focus is on a sustainable approach for the cultivation and the breeding of seaweed, crustaceans and shellfish, and the development of cultivation and processing facilities with attention for the ecosystem, biodiversity and multifunctional use of water. With this call, NWO will finance research projects that tackle these challenges in an interdisciplinary manner. Where possible, connection will be sought with existing initiatives.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline pre-proposals: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 5 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 1 – 1.5 million euros

Climate-robust production systems and water management

As a result of climate change, the Netherlands is increasingly confronted with long periods of drought and with periods of a lot of precipitation in a short space of time. This has major consequences for agriculture and horticulture. The effects and possibilities for solutions are dependent on the local soil and water system and can therefore strongly differ per region. The Netherlands faces the challenge of developing climate-robust, agricultural and horticultural production systems in conjunction with (innovations in) the water system management. For this, the societal aspects of intended innovations will need to be taken into account as well.
With this call, NWO will fund research projects that tackle these issues in an interdisciplinary manner.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 6 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 1 – 1.5 million euros

Lifestyle and living environment

The aim of the call is to initiate research that structurally improves equal opportunities to be able to live in good health. The call focuses on the (further) development and application of sustainable, innovative, preventative interventions aimed at both lifestyle and the living environment. These successful innovations are based on previously acquired results and will be further strengthened within this call by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and learning communities. The outcomes will contribute to the aim that by 2040 disease burden as a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle and living environment will have been reduced by 30% compared to 2020.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 5.75 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 3.3– 3.39 million euros

Living with dementia

This call makes a contribution to the mission objective that in 2030 the quality of life for people with dementia has increased by 25%. It concerns research that mainly focuses on: mechanism(s) of initiation; prevention of dementia and the associated consequences; curing dementia; increasing and/or maintaining the quality of life experienced by people with dementia and their informal carers; and strengthening the contribution to this by the formal healthcare system whether or not this involves the help of technology.
In the call, the focus will be on two interdisciplinary research lines in which for both lines connection will be sought with the key technology artificial intelligence (AI):
1.    mechanistic research, resulting in high-quality diagnostics, prognostics and interventions;
2.    research into the psychosocial interventions focusses on personalised self-management, joint management and usable technology for people with dementia and their (in)formal care providers.

Opening call for proposals: July 2020
Deadline: not earlier than January 2021
Contribution NWO: 5.25 million euros
Project size (including co-funding): 2.9 million euros – 3.09 million euros (one project per research line)

Other funding instruments

Mission-driven calls

The following mission-driven calls are planned for the autumn of 2020:
•    Security
•    Public earning capacity
•    Human Capital
•    Societal expectation, embedding and social innovation


For Partnerships, a Partnership desk has been opened to discuss the possibilities.
Read more about Partnerships here.

Long-Term Programmes (LTPs)

For Long-Term Programmes (LTPs) with a maximum duration of ten years, a call for proposals (pre-proposals) is expected in September 2020.
Read more about the LTPs here.

Therefore please follow the developments via nwo.nl/en/kic, @NWOnieuws and LinkedIn!

Research brings solutions a step closer

Climate change, cyber security, the ageing population: our society faces several major challenges. These challenges require groundbreaking innovative solutions with impact. This provides economic opportunities for public and private parties to jointly develop innovative solutions for societal issues. The contribution of scientific and practice-oriented research is indispensable in this regard. The aim is to achieve not just societal impact but also economic and scientific impact.

For this, NWO will deploy programmes of considerable size so that a real difference can be made. To realise the challenges set, NWO will initiate collaborations, make connections between researchers, private parties and public parties, and encourage the exploration of new pathways. Bringing different parties together will give rise to new consortia and innovative research. In the vision of NWO, the opportunities arising from the intended changes and the impact these have will be maximised if interdisciplinary research is realised in which collaboration is sought with relevant knowledge institutions and public and private partners, including SMEs. Partners make a substantial contribution to the research financially (in cash) and by providing support (in kind).


Each year, NWO will make more than 100 million euros available for fundamental and practice-oriented research that is realised by scientists in collaboration with companies. The financial contribution of NWO is established in the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC) 2020-2023, in which knowledge institutions, industry, government bodies and other public parties jointly invest in innovation. This funding is aligned with the mission-driven top sectors and innovation policy of the Dutch government.

Source: NWO